Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I really liked him as Thulsa Doom, he definitely traumatised me as a kid. Thankfully, I only saw The Lion King dubbed back then, the combination would probably kill me.

Of the lesser remembered roles, I liked him as Jack Jefferson/Jack Johnson in Great White Hope.
Teaching myself to play Mariáš (online vs AI as usual), much fun.
Discovering a forgotten bottle of Connemara still about 1/4 full, on the first night when temperatures finally dropped in Sofia and it's drizzling for hours now, much fun too.
One of my colleagues is gay and a while ago he mentioned that he likes the butt of a guy in administration. I don't know what's more awkward, the fact that ever since I look at the guy's butt every time he passes by, or the fact that I see absolutely nothing special about it.
One of my colleagues is gay and a while ago he mentioned that he likes the butt of a guy in administration. I don't know what's more awkward, the fact that ever since I look at the guy's butt every time he passes by, or the fact that I see absolutely nothing special about it.
I think the best way, nay, the only way to get over this awkwardness is to mount the admin guy.
One of my colleagues is gay and a while ago he mentioned that he likes the butt of a guy in administration. I don't know what's more awkward, the fact that ever since I look at the guy's butt every time he passes by, or the fact that I see absolutely nothing special about it.

The worst thing is that poor bloke's feelings. What if he found out?

"What do you mean, you don't find my bum special?"

"Well, you know, I'm not really so inclined."

"So what?"

"So... you know, I don't really feel that way...?"

"What way? You mean you don't want to fuck me in the arse?"

"Y...yeah, that."

"WHY don't you want to fuck me in the arse?"

"Well, because I don't do that. I don't like that. I'm straight, you know? Aren't YOU?"

"Why, yes! SO?"

"SO? So what? I don't want to fuck anyone in their arse!"

"But if you did, it still wouldn't be me?"

"I... I don't know."

"It wouldn't, right? You don't like my arse! WHY?"

"I don't know, I don't know how you tell bums apart."

"Come, here, have a butcher's. See that? Fuckin' shape, innit?"

"I... I guess?"

"I have a pretty nice arse, you know?"

"Oh... okay?"

"Touch it."


"Touch it and tell me that it's the finest male arse you've ever touched!"

"W... WHAT?"

"What, are you lily-livered?"

"I guess not"

*touches bum*

"Now say it. Say it's the finest male arse you've ever touched."

"It's the finest male arse I've ever touched."

"And say it, if you were to hypothetically fuck someone up the arse, you'd put your hypothetical cock up my arse."

"If I were to hypothetically fuck someone up the arse, I'd put my hypothetical cock up your arse."

[cue to all the co-workers awkwardly watching them from across the room, pale-faced]
One of my colleagues is gay and a while ago he mentioned that he likes the butt of a guy in administration. I don't know what's more awkward, the fact that ever since I look at the guy's butt every time he passes by, or the fact that I see absolutely nothing special about it.
I think it's natural to wonder what's up, and also natural that, as a straight guy, you don't get it.
I don't know where to really put this (I don't think we have the Police thread or a drummer thread or anything like that), but although I know that the "answering Twitter" format is gimmicky and overdone, watching one of the best living drummers during it just sitting down and having casual talk was really worth it. He's just so... engaging, I'd watch him for hours.

@Mosh might be interested just to see Copeland talk (i. e. for the same reason as me)
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I heard Holy Ground by The Dead Daisies and liked the album. Do they have any other good ones? Are there any bands like them I could check out?
British stag parties, oh God... :facepalm:

So quick to cast your aspersions, Perun ;)

It's not gonna be like that, I wouldn't be here if it was. We actually want to see the place, we could've saved our money and stayed home if we wanted to get blotto and act like morons.