Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Me, age 26: have nobody to call so nothing ever happens.
Sometimes my helplessness to change this life drives me so mad, I just destroyed a chair. The only time I feel alive is when I’m getting beaten up in self-defense training.
For me it's simple; when I play it's always juice or sparkling water, the only way to drink is if it has to do with work. And I drink more and more.
For me it's simple; when I play it's always juice or sparkling water, the only way to drink is if it has to do with work. And I drink more and more.
Try 4 beers. Not drunk yet.
Then 3. Not even close.
Then 2. Abit tipsy.
Then 1. Drunk as a skunk!
Conclusion: The less you drink, the more drunk you´ll get.

Just saw this on Facebook and have to very strongly resist the urge to post that the very obvious solution is to

I bought my first mechanical keyboard +/- 12 months ago and I have to admit - it's been the best 12 months of typing in my life.

Also, regarding drinking, when I was in my 20s I could drink 5 - 6 beers and be quite ok, now when I'm 36 one beer is more than enough to put me into sleep.
Archaeological reports have a lot of pictures, sometimes in portrait and sometimes in landscape, so that you have to hold the book up and turn it, and sometimes there are fold-out maps and plans that you have to study, so from afar it can look like you're reading a porn mag.
I say this every year, but I hate it that my first semester students have their birth year in their e-mail addresses. One of them has 06! I think I still have a jar of spices somewhere that expired that year.