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I've underestimated how important it is to have a comfortable computer/desk chair. I've had a shitty one that was already in the apartment when I moved in since June 2022. I bought a new one in Ikea, called Markus, and it's fucking amazing. I'm enjoying sitting in front of a computer again for the first time in years.
First thing you'll do in them is walk more. Eventually you'll pity the 200 Euros you've spent and you'll start running. And your life will change for ever.
I much prefer sports shoes designed for walking. The dedicated running ones are often about rocking on the ball of your foot or being catapulted forwards from the back of your heel. The walking ones offer better support for a walking motion.
I would never spend 200 EUR on shoes, or clothing in general. Maybe a leather jacket, or something.

Never say never. Especially for an item that protects your knees. It's just matter of timing and love. Have you calculated how much money you spend on beers, drinks and other bad habits for health per month? Easily 100 Euros. Well guess what. Above shoe would last for 1,000 km which is roughly a year; which if you don't run is north of 1,000 Euros in drinks.

Thus easily a 500 -700 Euros saved as you wouldn't want to be drunk the day after not to mention you'd sleep early and eat better establishing two great habits. Last but not least increased possibility to find the woman of your life in the running club who would be a fit and focused person as almost everyone who runs systematically. She would easily put your life in order, not to mention the almost guaranteed boost in your career just by the virtue of running, as you would be way more focused and calm.

You say you wouldn't spend 200 Euros in shoes? Well, think again!
I've underestimated how important it is to have a comfortable computer/desk chair. I've had a shitty one that was already in the apartment when I moved in since June 2022. I bought a new one in Ikea, called Markus, and it's fucking amazing. I'm enjoying sitting in front of a computer again for the first time in years.
Been there 2 month ago! For months I had severe back problems etc. so I went to shop and bought ergonomic chair. I want sleep in that chair now. It is great!

I think that this is one of the small things that people tend to not notice until they have problems.
I'd like a new office chair. I'm working from the spare bedroom this week so I don't infect my partner or anyone in the office, and the chair's riser must be broken because it gradually sinks down during the day
I'm fairly sure that the person portrayed in the Gospels will have had at least some rudimentary Koine. Aramaic perhaps sufficed in the Levant, but he spent his childhood in Egypt, where as a foreigner it would have been the easiest medium of interaction; not to mention Egyptian Jews were highly Hellenised. He also seems to have been fairly well-educated overall.
After Alexander the Great, Greek became progressively a much more simple language. It’s fairly easy for us to understand most of content written after Christ but before Alexander it’s a different beast, you struggle to understand anything.

It’s when the accents in oral speech must be lost too. The ancient Greek seem to have been like French with shorter and longer duration of vowels as indicate the names of letters themselves: O-mega, O-mikron, E-psilon and also some content from tragedies where it’s obvious that Ita was longer and Yiota shorter. Or the B was mp and not v.
Plus the various accents, again similar to the French ones, Alexandian linguistics added sometime around the birth of Christ, trying maintain the purity of the language at least in written form.

Also the fact that the accents were placed in the second letter of each ai, ei, etc., shows in my opinion why we should pronounce them as longer e & i instead of ay and ey etc when ancient Greek is taught. It makes no sense to pronounce each letter separately, Iliad, Odyssey and other poems would be impossible to be sung if the pronunciation was letter by letter.