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I just wrapped up nearly a year of traveling around USA (with one brief visit to Canada to see The Future Past tour). I went across the country twice and had long term stays in several major cities including NYC and Nashville. I originally intended on additional traveling through the end of the year, but it was starting to feel time to stop somewhere - as of yesterday I am now a resident of Oregon. We'll see how it goes.

I highly recommend traveling to anyone who has the means of doing so. I really got to know my country's geography over the last year and also received a lot of cultural context (crossing the Mississippi River basically felt like entering a new country, turns out the internet still hasn't trumped the geographical effects of a culture). I'm not much of a nomad after all, but it was a pretty exciting year either way.

Nightwish watchers rejoice! I am setting aside time tomorrow to update the discography countdown and go back to regular updates.
Sounds like a great way to spend a year. Curious what your favorite/least favorite areas were?
NYC and Santa Fe for similar reasons but way different places and experiences. I was constantly amazed by how there was always something going on in NYC. The food, music, the cultural activities were all top notch. Santa Fe also excelled in these areas, but is a much smaller city. Where NYC was congested, Santa Fe had all of this open space and was overall a pretty tranquil place. At the same time though, it was kinda crazy to me that you could still enjoy a quiet afternoon at the park in NYC (and not just Central Park, they had parks everywhere).

Also an honorable mention to Nashville, which I didn’t love at first, but I spent the longest amount of time there and it really grew on me over time. I would never live there, but there were a lot of little pockets of places that I really enjoyed spending time in.

Least favorite place was Palm Springs, California. Just a total ghost city with vacation homes for rich and famous people but no real local community or personality. All the negative things about California with very few of the benefits. It wasn’t all bad though, it has one of the biggest gay populations in America and i was there during their pride week so that was fun. The restaurant scene is also impressive.
You can fix her!

I actually did end up "liking" her, she piqued my curiosity. Was she actually a Neo Nazi? Was she just really into history, or thought it looked cool, like Lemmy? How was she getting away with blatantly displaying a Nazi symbol? How many people actually recognised it?

Turns out she'd liked me too, but we didn't end up chatting and she hasn't been online since. Oh well, what you never had you don't miss.
I actually did end up "liking" her, she piqued my curiosity. Was she actually a Neo Nazi? Was she just really into history, or thought it looked cool, like Lemmy? How was she getting away with blatantly displaying a Nazi symbol? How many people actually recognised it?

Turns out she'd liked me too, but we didn't end up chatting and she hasn't been online since. Oh well, what you never had you don't miss.

My thought would be - maybe it's a provocation, an ironic commentary on the fact that having photos with sickles and hammers, Lenin or Stalin (or even Guevara or Castro) and having as a favourite book Communist Manifesto would certainly cause less uproar, despite the bodycount being even worse there.

Or, well, maybe she's just tired of the post-modern world.


I just looked at my bank account and found the café where I sat yesterday morning charged me 5,95 for a coffee and a sandwich. I'm so used to ridiculous prices that I'm kind of uncertain if there wasn't a mistake there and they left something off the bill. Five years ago, this would have been considered an airport-level ripoff.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Can you believe my luck? o_Oo_Oo_O
I will be receiving both my Short Term Certificate and Certificate in Automated/Automotive Manufacturing Technology at the beginning of August. While I won't be getting my Associates until next year, this is a big step professionally for me. I'm also starting a new job at a nearby Fabrication shop this Monday. With my experience, I sent out around 25 job applications to different places about 4 weeks ago. I have been working at a Fab shop as a Machinist/Programmer for a little over two years now, and I kind of outgrew the role I was in. From those 25 applications, that turned into 5 interviews, and subsequently 5 job offers, but with all my options I was able to negotiate an offer I really liked with a local shop.

This offer includes tuition assistance and ample opportunities for outside development and training which I would highly enjoy. And I didn't have to take a pay cut! Things at the shop I'm at now are kind of crazy, and the past couple months I've been looking for an out.
As if it all wasn't enough, we've caught some stomach flu... but what a quite a fucking thing. I don't remember I've ever had worse night than this one, kept aggressively vomiting (and running with diarrhea), my belly felt like someone put a grenade there - such pain I couldn't even think, let alone lie down in any position or - yeah, right - sleep. Wifey and the eldest had it too, but it wasn't as terrible for them. With the sleep deprivation, I'm kinda half-comatose today (and running a fever) and I hope it will go away. The only thing I managed to consume today was water, water with magnesium supplements, a bit of tea and two ice lollies (what a perfect thing for a fucked up stomach).
I am on a business trip in Geneva. I had forgotten how beautiful central Europe is, for me definitely the best part of Europe. Plus the people are incredibly polite.
Two examples.
One. I arrive at the airport and go to buy a sim card, unlimited data for 3 days. The woman behind the counter, after registering my passport offers me the card for free!
Two. I went for a run along Leman lake. On the way back, past midnight, I bought a shawarma on the street and was looking for a place to sit and eat.
I went in a bar and asked if I could sit and eat my food in exchange to buying a coke. The woman behind the bar tells me, just sit and eat it, no problem.
People are out walking or having fun well after midnight and many bars and restaurants too. This is a very nice place to live.