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I was sitting opposite a person in metro who had his face turned and I was seeing only the right half of his face. Then he turned facing me and the other half was heavily distorted, similar to Elephant Man.
I felt a wave shock of sadness.
Really sorry to hear how bad it's gotten, Judas. Hopefully you are able to recover some of it soon and that the allergies alleviate over time. Maybe it's just because of all the trauma of late and as that eases it comes back.
Really sorry to hear how bad it's gotten, Judas. Hopefully you are able to recover some of it soon and that the allergies alleviate over time. Maybe it's just because of all the trauma of late and as that eases it comes back.

Thanks for the kind words, mate, like I said, I realise it's nothing truly disabling, most of it is just... sucking all the energy out of me, hopefully it indeed gets better.
This is just awful man, so sorry you're going through this. I was hoping you aren't as active for nothing reasons and things have gotten better, but life can be cruel I see. Wish you power to navigate this mess
Dang @JudasMyGuide sorry to hear about the health stuff. Sending best wishes to you and your family and that things start to feel more relaxed over there. It always seems like these things tend to compound and get worse before they get better.
Didn't know where to put this, so I've decided to write it in this thread, to, like, let youse know what's going on (and why my appearance here might have been seen as sporadic and erratic, lately).

Anyway, it hasn't been all that fine since December at the very least - the entire family had covid and I had some bacterial pulmonary superinfection to top it off - spent three weeks useless, then another bacterial infection got the youngest son (who wasn't even a year old back then) and he was hospitalised for several days - wifey went to be with him and I was taking care of the older boys. This was happening even on New Year's Eve.
Then it never really went back again - at first I had what seemed like cardiac problems (even checking myself at the ER, just to make sure), which was probably post-covid, back pains, some neurological symptoms (tingling sensations, numbness) and ever since January, my eyes have been weird - the left one slightly blurred, more sensitive, easy to strain, miniature scotoma, no amount of examination (including OCT, dilated eye exams and brain CT and MRI) could find what is happening. It's not debilitating, just ... tiresome.

Since there was neurology AND eyes, I was recommended a neurological exam, so I underwent lumbal puncture and MRI in March - but the first doctor, a prominent authority in the academia, made a bad indication of both procedures, so it was recomended to repeat those.
Then I had GIT issues and diarrhoea for about six weeks, I was even sent to colonoscopy, but it went away before I could undergo it.

In between I had a severe tonsilitis with fevers that couldn't be brought down (two hours of 40° fever before the pill worked, 2 hours of feeling kinda okay and then back to 40°) and I was so "fried" that after the antibiotics worked and I was the first evening without fevers I actually had hypnagogic hallucinations when I lied down (thankfully those haven't returned).

Then the youngest one got RS virus or something and since he has sensitive bronchi, he (along with wifey) was hospitalised again - that was some time around Easter.

And to top it off, for last cca month and a half I've been having some weird issues, probably new-onset allergies - itching all over, weird sensitiveness in the skin, joint pain, more GIT problems, small edemas and so on - it changes all the time, but mostly it could be probably subsumed under allergies or general atopy. Most of it is getting under control once I got fitting anti-histamines, but I'm waiting for blood test results, but so far I think it's at least SOME pollen (I suppose grass), some kind mold (we had something at home and had to renovate our living room and sleeping habits) and definitely some food allergies, or at least cross-allergens. I hope the results will come as soon as possible, I should know in the beginning of July at the latest.

However, since there were some issues before, I had to re-do the lumbal puncture (and this time had a post-puncture syndrome for several days), I'm having MRI of brain, optic nerve and neck spinal cord in July and since the GIT issues came back too, also the colonoscopy in August.

A few weeks ago the youngest had yet another respiratory infection and we've been threatened with hospital once again, but this time it wasn't needed.

Like I said, I expect some of that to be allergies, some is probably post-Covid/long-Covid/whatevertheheckit'snamed and I know I'm not the worst off in general, some people can't function at all, but... still.

Along with that, I was so distracted I forgot to change oil in the car, so now it kinda complains and I shouldn't drive it and I'm gonna be carless for the next few days (I can commute via other ways, but it's so uncomfortable it's not a long-term viable solution) and to top it off, as of now I fear I might be reacting to BOTH wine (yeast?) and wheat, so I don't know whether I'm going to be even able to take Communion. Which is, like, a really big deal.

Also, the boys are having some kind of growth spurt and the eldest especially is completely ... insufferable (I love him, but he's demanding at the best of days) and the youngest one is teething.

Anyway, enough of kvetching, just thought I might tell you (especially @Perun @Magnus @Brigantium @Black Abyss Babe @MindRuler @LooseCannon - that's why I might be on and off again, both online-wise and mood-wise :D ).
Really sorry to hear it Judas. All the best to you and your family, quick recovery and stay strong all of you.
I have a strong thought about Chinese poetry that nobody, including my teacher can confirm yet. I'm sure I'll find someone to do so, as I dive deeper.
My thought is this: In poetry there are different dimensions: The sound, the meaning, the rhyme if any, the second level meaning, etc.

In Chinese since the letters are ideograms and for each meaning there are plenty of characters to express it (also one character may have literally a dozen meanings) we may have an additional dimension which is how the letter (word) looks like!

So the poet can choose between 2 words (lettres) the one that looks (or calligraphed) the best, or suit to his purpose. (That said, this would probably change the sound too.)
I'm quite sure that there poems written with the optics of letters too, especially during the classic Tang dynasty.
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