Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Oh, and while watching ROTK yesterday I recalled another nice word - demesne, which is pronounced di-main. Sure, the King of the Dead uses “domain” instead, but it brought to mind the former.
Tří tisícé tří sté třicáté třetí kulaťoulinkaté, přitom neobhospodařovávatelné políčko je ze všech tří tisíc tří set tříceti tří kulaťoulinkatých, přitom neobhospodařovávatelných políček tři tisíckrát třista třicet třikrát nejkulaťoulinkatější a nejneobhospodařovávatelnější.

Ze všech zdevětadevadesáteroneroznásobitelných čísel pak nejnevykrystalizovávatelnějšími procesy proto propočteme čísla mezi všemi čísly nejzdevětadevadesáteroneroznásobitelnějšími zcela nejzdevětadevadesáteroneroznásobitelnější.

Za domama má má máma malou zahrádku.

Budou-li se štítiti ti títi ti tiší hoši.

But also, if you want to keep it in that consonant-y way...

Chrt pln skvrn vtrhl skrz trs chrp v čtvrť Krč.

Plch zdrhl skrz drn, prv zhltl hrst zrn.

Vlk prdl v hrst, vrhl prd v smršť vln.

Chrt pln skvrn zhltl hrst zrn.

Smrž pln skvrn zvlhl z mlh.
I now understand what a pure relief and joy your posts in English here must be...
I now understand what a pure relief and joy your posts in English here must be...

Believe me, I know we all like to think how hard our language is, but the more I learn my own and other languages, the more I realize Czech really is insane.

This came to mind this morning (it's the combination of the previous stuff, mostly)

Chrt pln skvrn prv srk skrz krk, zvlh srst, mrkl, krkl, prsk, vrh prd, zhrd, strhl v hrst trs chrp, drz zdrhl skrz prsť v Brd strk

(in English: The greyhound full of spots at first drank a little through his throat, got his fur wet, blinked, burped and sputtered, threw a fart, got prideful, tore in his fist a bunch of cornflowers and feistily ran off through the soil up the slope in Brdy)
Believe me, I know we all like to think how hard our language is, but the more I learn my own and other languages, the more I realize Czech really is insane.

This came to mind this morning (it's the combination of the previous stuff, mostly)

Chrt pln skvrn prv srk skrz krk, zvlh srst, mrkl, krkl, prsk, vrh prd, zhrd, strhl v hrst trs chrp, drz zdrhl skrz prsť v Brd strk

(in English: The greyhound full of spots at first drank a little through his throat, got his fur wet, blinked, burped and sputtered, threw a fart, got prideful, tore in his fist a bunch of cornflowers and feistily ran off through the soil up the slope in Brdy)
Now try to sing this to the melody of Judas Priest's The Sentinel. It's great.
Believe me, I know we all like to think how hard our language is, but the more I learn my own and other languages, the more I realize Czech really is insane.

This came to mind this morning (it's the combination of the previous stuff, mostly)

Chrt pln skvrn prv srk skrz krk, zvlh srst, mrkl, krkl, prsk, vrh prd, zhrd, strhl v hrst trs chrp, drz zdrhl skrz prsť v Brd strk

(in English: The greyhound full of spots at first drank a little through his throat, got his fur wet, blinked, burped and sputtered, threw a fart, got prideful, tore in his fist a bunch of cornflowers and feistily ran off through the soil up the slope in Brdy)

Jesus christ. I don't understand anything, similar words are way off and everything else are probably false friends

skvrn - skuren (smoked up, wrapped up), svekrva (mother in law)
prv - prvi, prvak (first, champion)
srk - a sip
skrz - skroz (totally)
krk - an island in Adriatic
zvlh - zavoljeh (became in love)
mrkl - mrk (tame, dark)
prsk - prst (a finger)
vrh - apex
prd - a fart
hrst - hrast (an oak)
drz - to hold something
brd - brdo (a hill)
Wow, Dutch always has a vowel.

Here some heavy infested consonant words:

  • angstschreeuw: 8(!) consonants in a row, meaning "scream of fear ("fear scream")
  • borsjtsj
  • hengstschrede
  • herfstschlager
  • herfstschraalte
  • slechtstschrijvend
  • volksschrijver
  • stressstoornis
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"čvrst" (hard, tough) should be the longest non-consonant word in (serbo)croatian

(ofc the best nonconsonant word is "smrt" - death. I vote we change it to "smrth" or at least make a death metal band with that name)

regarding ratio, possibly it's Christianity, kršćanstvo, with 8-2
Yeah a lot of it is straight onomatopoeia.

For instance you can hear word prčenje as shagging, especially in rural lingo. It is onomatopoetic for billy goat vs goat sex. While jarac is a normal billy goat, prč became a fuckbilly goat.

There's also mrčenje which is based on another animal species but I forgot which ones :D
The longest consonant-only words in Czech, I believe:

scvrnkls (8) ("you flicked something down", more or less)
čtvrthrst (9) (a quarter of a fist as a unit of measure)
čtvrtsmršť (10) (a quarter of a gale - artificial, disputed)

My favourite would be ztrpkl / ztrpkls (it/he got bitter / you got bitter - both as a taste and as a mood)

It kinda reminds me of

this Reddit discussion, where people were discussing that scene with Hodor in Game of Thrones and how terrible it is to translate in other languages.

"Drž dveře"
So the conclusion was that he was supposed to be named "Drždvř" in Czech, to which someone's reaction was

Holy Slavic languages, Batman!