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We are doing okay ... roads are horrible (ice), but we stocked up over the weekend and really do not need to go anywhere. We have lucked out with no power problems so far, but some of our water lines are frozen, so filling everything up we can with water for drinking until we thaw out later this week. So far, one half of the house has zero water, other half seems fine

Turns out the water problem was the pumping station has no electricity ... so once that gets fixed, we will get water again ... at the moment we have zero. Temperature is 0 (F) at the moment, but supposed to get up to the 20s later today so hopefully that will do the trick. The culprits seem to be high demand, a few power lines knocked down, wind turbines frozen in place, and some natural gas well heads froze.
Well I hope everything can get fixed and running again soon!

So with no running water, what does that mean for when nature calls? Do you have to go outside and brace the elements?
Well I hope everything can get fixed and running again soon!

So with no running water, what does that mean for when nature calls? Do you have to go outside and brace the elements?
Luckily, we have 4 toilets for the 2 of us ... when the water pressure went down, we filled up buckets of water to put in the tanks and we figured we could just dump snow in the tanks if need be. Hopefully they will get the water running at some point today.

We (most of the state) are just not prepared for this kind of stuff. it happens so rarely (once or twice a decade) that the equipment for a combination of ice/snow/well below freezing temperatures just does not exist.
Is the electricity out due to storms?

Last time we had snow freeze over into ice, it was a mini catastrophe. I can't imagine that + storms.
Why would anyone willingly do that?

Rhetorical question, people are weird. And please, nobody take offense at this, I don't mean to start an argument :p
@JudasMyGuide what did you give up for lent? I gave up meat

I went with black fast for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, gave up alcohol, try to do the whole breviary every day and try to limit my time on social media (including this here forum) to a cca. third of the usual amount + no meat every Friday as usual.

I wonder how it'll go, last year I had just the alcohol and I quit halfway through, because that was when the whole quarantine and stuff began, wife was in the first trimester with strong nausea and our first was teething (which he still is, believe it or not) + the neighbors right above spent the two months we couldn't go outside renovating their flat, so it was jackhammers galore, so the little one couldn't even sleep during the day. (Our parish priest actually said that I shouldn't be too bothered by failing then, that we all are fasting in a way enforced on us and that that's sometimes better than any plan that we come up with.)

Anyway, good luck!
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Why would anyone willingly do that?

The religious answer would be that it helps you concentrate less on the stuff that passes and that you value too much (short answer: because you are eternal - sorta - and loving too much something that isn't cripples you in a way), helps you with discipline and controlling yourself (so that you are truly free in the way you can freely decide what to do and what not and you aren't blindly controlled by your urges and passions), helps the unity with other people (if you give up something and you save money because of that, you should give that as alms for the needy), gives a restart and restoration before an important feast, connects you in a way with your elders who often did the same etc.

The secular answer would be that it helps with discipline (which is rather useful even for a non-believer) and might also help your general mental well-being, because you learn to stop, restart and for example by depriving yourself of something that easily brings you pleasure with no effort you'll get your dopamine centres in your brain somewhat back to normal, making you happier in the long run and being able to enjoy the things you actually want to enjoy more.
The secular answer would be that it helps with discipline (which is rather useful even for a non-believer) and might also help your general mental well-being, because you learn to stop, restart and for example by depriving yourself of something that easily brings you pleasure with no effort you'll get your dopamine centres in your brain somewhat back to normal, making you happier in the long run and being able to enjoy the things you actually want to enjoy more.

Can I fast from stupid people?

Do they bring you pleasure? Do you feel like you would starve without them? Are you in some way addicted to their presence, so much that you disregard your spiritual goals? Is it something cherished you want to temporarily give up to show your love for God and to be able to enjoy it again more in the future?

Considering the fact you can't refrain from coming back here to this very forum, I'd guess... yes? :ninja:

Quitting social media would be a good start.

It always is.
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