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Has anyone here ever been involved with recruitment (or been recruited) using the success profiles technique? I can't tell if this is a British public sector thing or if it's more widely used in the business world. It looks like quite narrowly defined competency targets but with a presentation and psychometric assessment part too.
Never heard of it.
Last night I had a nosebleed I couldn't stop and ended up in A&E - I now have to see my GP to get my blood pressure investigated :(

What beggars belief though: the height of medical sophistication (and how the hospital eventually stopped it) was taping two lolly sticks together to improvise a giant clothes peg, and leaving that on my nose for about and hour :scared:

Work have been very sympathetic and told me to take the rest of the week off and rest.
I pray and hope you feel better soon and that it doesn't happen again.
It is very fun! But it is very different from being on roller coasters. On a roller coaster you get more of a sensation of speed as you're closer to the ground. But the view from the air ... when you press that rudder and it feels like the world, not you, rotates 180 degrees and comes towards you. I imagine it can be scary if you don't know what's going on!

In the next lesson we're going to start doing loops and rolls. It looks easy from the outside ...but in reality, there's a lot going on during a loop! You have a constantly varying G-force and must watch the throttle carefully as well.
I wonder if it's possible to hire a pilot to take me out on a similar type flight.
I wonder if it's possible to hire a pilot to take me out on a similar type flight.
If you know some people in your city or nearby who fly, I'm sure they in turn know someone who flies aerobatics and is happy to take a passenger. Or you could just contact flying clubs nearby. To my knowledge, there's an abundance of general aviation airfields in the USA so it shouldn't be too hard finding one :)
right on a golf course
Third aerobatics flight done! Today we started on the "true" aerobatic exercises, so I had the pleasure of doing my first loops, a couple of aileron rolls and finishing off with the first attempt at a barrel roll. Instructor was quite happy with my loops, but of course there is some work to be done to get them precise. I felt I didn't fully control the exit speeed, but I never exceeded the G limits and that's good.

Aileron rolls were easy, but also brought me closer to airsickness than any other maneuver we did today. So I'm happy we did them late in the lesson. It will take some repeats to get used to that fast sideways movement.

Going up for another lesson tomorrow!
Well, yes, according to my main instructor during my PPL ... but he is also one of the aerobatics instructors and flies competition aerobatics, so I wouldn't expect to hear anything else from him!