Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Vapor Trails-era Geddy sounds much better than that Diamond dude ever did though.

I don't believe it. I found mp3 downloads for Gojira (and Dream Theater), and the albums have actual dynamic range. No clipping at all! I can finally listen to From Mars To Sirius and Systematic Chaos without getting a headache.
Work sent us an e-mail questionnaire which I think will be for a New Years/Christmas present... which will most likely be a company t-shirt as they asked for t-shirt sizes and mailing addresses. There was a mandatory question which was "what's on your bucket list?" and I wrote "getting promoted in this company and making bank". Hope they take me up on that.
Work sent us an e-mail questionnaire which I think will be for a New Years/Christmas present... which will most likely be a company t-shirt as they asked for t-shirt sizes and mailing addresses. There was a mandatory question which was "what's on your bucket list?" and I wrote "getting promoted in this company and making bank". Hope they take me up on that.
Good luck with that. What's "making bank"?
It's a zoomer way of saying "making a fortune".

Pray tell, educated lady, what does the zoomer expression "flex on swole" mean? That's what I want to understand the most right after "swag", but after being explained that one by various people I already gave up on trying to understand it ever.

"'S'mofo butter layin' me to da' BONE! Jackin' me up... tight me!"
"I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"Cutty say 'e can't HANG!"
Sorry, I had to Google half of your post, Judas. :( Something, something, Kendrick Lamar, bad grammar, something. I wouldn't know Kendrick Lamar if he showed up for dinner at home tonight.

P.S. A very educational read on the difference between being swole, jacked, ripped and whatnot. Fascinating.
Guerillas usually wear smedium T-shirts, and can be found taking selfies in the bathroom mirror either at home or at the gym. It should be noted that guerillas only train cosmetic muscles. A guerilla's physique is characterized by over-developed front delts, invisible lat syndrome and chicken legs.

White tank top, neon shorties, loud to obnoxious behaviour -> we call them "tourist"