Thank you all. We were sent home today after doing an EEG scan. The scan prodecure itself didn't go great, due to him being so upset, but they got enough readings to deem that there were no signs of the seizures being epileptic - To be fair though, EEGs aren't exact (MRI's are more though, but putting such a small child through one isn't so easy), so it can't entirely be ruled out either. If he has another attack we'll call the ambulance again, run another scan and put him on medication.
There is no known hisstory of epilepsy running in the family, and it's extremely rare that one develops it without prior family history - So that, along with the EEG scan showing no signs is somewhat a relief. They couldn't say, or guess, what caused it though as he didn't have a fever and they didn't find any infections - His temperature has been elevated though every now and then and he was a bit low on energy the other day which suggests something wasn't right though and we were away at a hotel stay for the first time at the time of the first attack, so being without us for 22 hours was completely new to him, so who knows if these factors contributed. But we're hoping this is an isolated event and we're both staying home for the week.