Black Wizard
Pleb Hunter
Neil Oliver.However, the scottish historian on the BBC with the long hair

According to Wikipedia it's Là Bealltainn in Gaelic.
Neil Oliver.However, the scottish historian on the BBC with the long hair
The boyfriend used to baffle his schoolmates by being heavily into both classical music and scandanavian death metalHave any of you done similar things? Shocked or just annoyed people with your tastes in music?
Neil Oliver.
Does anyone know the Scots Gàidhlig pronunciation of that word?
So I have been learning Gaelic on DuoLingo but haven't got to this word yet.According to Wikipedia it's Là Bealltainn in Gaelic
Does anyone know the Scots Gàidhlig pronunciation of that word?
Since it's about pronunciation, Wiki saysAccording to Wikipedia it's Là Bealltainn in Gaelic.
I don't know what those symbols mean.
In short - Scottish Gaelic pronunciation seems to be similar to the Munster example in @srfc's post except the second syllable should be something like "tin" with a slender n, like Spanish ñ . Someone more familiar the International Phonetic Alphabet like @Perun could hopefully say if it's so.Help:IPA/Scottish Gaelic - Wikipedia
So can you answer srfc's question on the pronunciation of Beltane, or rather Là Bealltainn ([l̪ˠaː ˈpjaul̪ˠt̪ɪɲ]) in Scottish Gaelic?I used to use it a lot for A level English Language. I once had to transcribe a conversation between a mother and toddler from Sunderland. It was awful. The accent manages to cram together about four vowel sounds where one would do just fine. But unless you regularly deal wth IPA for a lot of different languages and accents, you won't be familiar with most of the symbols and sounds.
I drink it quite often.unless you regularly deal wth IPA
Well this was really fun:
Got it in 4th attempt
Well, you follow the clues each cell has, and when you figure out what goes in a cell, you click on the cell and type in the exact name of the song.I don't understand how to play this game.