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I went to a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco in December. The two beers on offer were Tsingtao and a Japanese beer called Sapporo. My friend said we should have Sapporo because Tsingtao is awful and gives bad hangovers. Apparently if there is more than one beer on offer and one of them is Tsingtao, you should have anything but Tsingtao.
Here's some viewing for anyone interested in outdoor sport/adventure/exploration, some amazin feats in some wondrous locations....

You got me. Its a link to my live sex cam.
Nothing wrong with Tsingtao. It's from a place that used to be a German colony and therefore brewed according to German standards, and I find it a very decent beer.
Listening to When the Wild Wind Blows, I came to associate the line "have you heard, have you heard" with the character Krösa-Maja. Those familiar with the Swedish children's books about Emil i Lönneberga (or the filmatized version) will know what I mean :D

(Of course, I assume that only people from the Nordic countries would know those books, don't know how popular they were in e.g. Germany?)