Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Have you heard what they said on the news today
Have you heard what is coming to us all
That the world as we know it will be coming to an end
Have you heard?
Have you heard?
He sees them in the distance where the dark clouds roll
He could feel tension in the atmosphere
He would look in the mirror see an old man now
Doesn't matter they survive somehow

They say there's nothing can be done about the situation
They say there's nothing we can do at all
To sit around and wait for something to occur
Did you know?
Did you know?
This morning on my way to work I went into the Co-op to get a loaf of bread. The guy in front of me in the queue was buying, among other things, a swede that seemed to have a double root (and obviously the bottom half of it was white, because that's what swedes look like). The old boy on the till held it out to me and informed me that "it looks like me in a pair of shorts." Shortly followed by "sorry - it's a long day on the tills!" :lol:
Oh, I just had to google it. I would never have imagined kålrot translates to swede.

I remember an episode where two friends and I were hiking in Trollheimen. We stayed in those idyllic manned mountain lodges where you can get served dinner. One of the nights we were seated together with a Dutch couple and the hostess wanted us to help her translate the menu to English for them.

It turned out none of us knew what "kålrotstappe" translated to. Mashed ... something. It turned out the Dutch name was pretty similar to the Norwegian one, so the Dutchies understood what they were about to eat. The similarities between Dutch and Norwegian words ended up being one of the main conversation topics during that dinner :)

Only after coming home several days later and looking it up in a dictionary did I realize that it was actually called a swede.
I recently had to explain to a Swede what a swede is. He thought it was very weird.
My brother once saw a comedy piece of some sort which he thought was so witty that he used to quote it incessantly. I never found out what it was but it apparently featured a Swedish character constantly bemoaning "oh no, first we have the world's most boring vegetable named after us, and now this too!".

Probably counts as highly un-PC by today's standards ... :innocent: