Black Abyss Babe
Slava Ukraini!
Indeed. They seemed to think that keeping outside heat away from it was the object of the operation, and hence built it its own "cold box". As I said, they clearly had no idea how it worked.Deliberate insulation of the surroundings of the fridge? As an engineer I get allergic reactions to such madness ...
In a different place we rented I got home once to find water pouring onto the main stairwell through a ceiling which I knew was underneath our bathroom. I rushed in to see what had happened but although I could hear water running there was nothing visibly wrong. I called the maintenance bloke's emergency number and he came round in about five minutes (happening to be nearby, fortunately). He immediately identified it as the toilet cistern valve which had broken so the cistern was filling continually and the water was pouring straight out again, into the overflow - which, it quickly transpired, was connected into the bath overflow with a 4-way connecting piece and no-one had bothered to cap off the spare end. So the water that was pouring out of the cistern was shooting out of the uncapped end just like a hosepipe.In other news, I also found out the overflow opening in my kitchen sink was not connected to a pipe ... so when I lowered a large pan into the water, there was water in the cabinet belowI guess I can connect it myself, but who ignores stuff like that? We are not amused!
Failing to connect it to anything is a pretty spectacular cockup though. The things that don't occur to some people ...