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I guess it wasn't so much specific phrases I was after. He is pretty fluent in English but it's difficult to follow each other even though we're speaking the same language, you know? Could be more that he just isn't listening, he's very keen to get the job finished and move on to the next one. Is this a common trait?
One of my colleages went to visit a client to pick up some records and when we unpacked them, in the bottom of the box were three strawberry creams - for me.

Just before Christmas last year I was visiting this particular client and while I was there they were passing round a tin of Quality Street and I overheard them saying that no-one really liked the strawberry creams and they couldn't see the point of them. I mentioned that they were my particular favourites and that I'd been used to them being fought over. So after that they started saving them for me in a drawer for when I came round. A year later, they still remembered.

I'm going to miss these guys.