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Everybody has the right to complain. We're free enough to do so.

A Soviet man defected to the US. One of his new American friends asked him about how life was in Soviet Russia.
"What was everyday life like?"
"Couldn't complain"
"And food and drink? I've heard you often lacked stuff ..."
"Couldn't complain"
"But the political indoctrination then ...?"
"Couldn't complain"
"It sounds like Russia wasn't all that bad, then ... so why did you move?"


"Because here, I can complain!"
Well, I went to a reputable school so not all that much "bad kid activity" going on. I did once smoke a cigarette with two friends in a bathroom stall in fourth grade, which is among the dumbest things I've ever done but also one of the most bad-ass. What probably saved our skin was that we were 10-11 years old so no one was suspected us. My sweater did reek of tobacco afterwards and the whole damn toilet was full of smoke.