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The chandelier just fell and crashed into million pieces next to where I was sitting. Could've died. Heaven can wait, I guess.

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Wow. Glad you're OK. That must have been heart attack-inducing. (About a month ago wind broke a window next to me in my office. I couldn't speak properly for, like, ten minutes)
It wasn't heart attack inducing luckily, because I was listening to music on my headphones, so I only saw it fall but didn't hear it.

Could've easily happened to me or grandpa while walking underneath it, it's in dead center of the apartment. He wants to fix it ffs... I'll toss it in the trash when he goes to sleep tonight.
Some coincidences leave me speechless.

Was listening to a podcast on YouTube, hosted by a comedian with another comedian as the guest. 36 minutes into it, they're talking about relationships and such. I pause the podcast because it randomly occurs to me that I was meaning to check out the new Ariana Grande song, "thank u, next". I go check the song out, quit the video during the chorus after Ariana goes "thank u, next." Come back to the podcast, resume the video, and within 2 seconds the guest says "Fuck that guy, thank u, next, like Ariana Grande says."

So fucking random that I pretty much stopped and contemplated life for a minute or two.