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An Israeli burger place opened near me ... odd, guess I never thought that existed .. not sure why ... and odder in suburbian Texas ...

In any case, they are getting good reviews, going to give it a shot tonight.
You're thinking of Hindu burger places.
Probably that .. sure :) All though a lot if Indians I have worked with in the past put down an amazing amount of cow, then complain they cannot eat it/their relatives would be pissed if they did when they go home to visit
All though a lot if Indians I have worked with in the past put down an amazing amount of cow, then complain they cannot eat it/their relatives would be pissed if they did when they go home to visit
Yeah, that's been my experience as well. I only know one Hindu fella who takes that part seriously.
Yeah, that's been my experience as well. I only know one Hindu fella who takes that part seriously.
One guy I worked with that did take it really seriously always wore an insane amount of leather ... I always though "so, cool to wear their skin ... not cool to eat them?" .. hmmmm
One guy I worked with that did take it really seriously always wore an insane amount of leather ... I always though "so, cool to wear their skin ... not cool to eat them?" .. hmmmm
LOL nice. I did work with a Muslim guy who drank a lot of beer and ate bacon, he kept asking us not to tell the other Muslim people.
LOL nice. I did work with a Muslim guy who drank a lot of beer and ate bacon, he kept asking us not to tell the other Muslim people.
Bacon alone is the reason I could never be Jewish, Muslim .. or any other non-bacon religion. If there was a "do not eat Brussel Sprouts" religion, I would join that one in a second.

Edit: American bacon ... not that weird Canadian/Euro bacon :)
I don't know American bacon per se but if it's bacon from American-style burgers, frying a thin slice of panceta should do the trick. The Canadian one I also don't know, it looks all red from pictures which makes me think of budjola, a smoked pork neck -


Baconry is a splendid topic indeed. Fill me up on your country's baconetiquette.