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A flight got diverted a few weeks ago for 'medical reasons', namely a guy on board had some horrible infection and started to smell so bad that other passengers were puking/fainting. It's now emerged that he's died of tissue necrosis. So, moral of the story is, don't be quick to judge passengers who stink.
Sure, if you smell like rotting flesh. There's a bit of a difference.
I checked out the complete poems of William Blake today at the library. He is genius. "The Book of Thel" is magnificent.

Also found "The Voyage of the Arctic Tern" and wanted to see how similar it is to "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"... which I also found, so I'll enjoy giving it a re-read.

I didn't know I liked poetry this much....

Try Stephen Crane's Black Riders now, I think that while having nothing in common really they'd complement each other well.
The dust wind from Africa is common here too. Our wall, Italy, doesn't do its job very well.