Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I leave to eat dinner, come back less than a half hour later, and find I have 23 new alerts. FML.

So grandpa woke me up this morning and said he called the ambulance since his blood pressure is high and he's struggling to breathe. They took him to the urgent care, and later they told my dad that grandpa had water in his lungs which was weakening the heart and that if the therapy they gave him doesn't work, they'll have to hook him up to the ventilator... We went to visit a bit later without knowing what came out from all that, and thank Barlow, he was awake and breathing on his own and said he was getting better. He's 84, so he's definitely not in the clear yet, but after visiting him I feel better about his prospects, but this stuff is very serious for older people.
Hope he does well, Night Prowler.

My father found out yesterday he has macular degeneration. :(
Sorry to hear about this. My grandfather's health suddenly declined this year and eventually he died, so I know what you've gotta be going through. Wishing them the best.
The bureaucracy increases in order to justify an increase in bureaucracy.
This would be funny if it wasn't true ...

More clothes are...good? Bad?
More clothes was an extra expense I didn't need, plain and simple. Especially as I'd just shelled out £1,800 to keep my car on the road ... :eek:
And we don't get to find out aboot the interesting places? :D
I can tell you about them, if people are interested. But I think it would call for a separate post (also I'd like to include some photos, if I can work out how to post them). So another day, when I have time to address it properly.
It's when you watch cringe compilations till 5 am and wake up at 3:40 pm feeling like crap that you have to ask yourself what you're doing with your life.
For me, it's too many prank calls(best ones out there IMO), top countdowns of various things, and police chases.

So grandpa woke me up this morning and said he called the ambulance since his blood pressure is high and he's struggling to breathe. They took him to the urgent care, and later they told my dad that grandpa had water in his lungs which was weakening the heart and that if the therapy they gave him doesn't work, they'll have to hook him up to the ventilator... We went to visit a bit later without knowing what came out from all that, and thank Barlow, he was awake and breathing on his own and said he was getting better. He's 84, so he's definitely not in the clear yet, but after visiting him I feel better about his prospects, but this stuff is very serious for older people.
OMG! I'm so very sorry to hear what happened to him. I too am very thankful he's doing OK. I'll definitely pray for him TONS!
Yeah Foro, I can only repeat the well-wishes said by the others. Losing vision can surely be challenging, so let's hope the condition takes its time before it develops fully ... (I read that there is currently no cure, so slow progress is maybe the best one can hope for?)
Thank you, everybody! My father is pretty fit for his age, he kept doing cycling holidays etc., and he eats pretty healthy too. I'm afraid the smoking (pipe!, which he did for half a century) might have had its effect (he quit about a year ago), although that factor might not be a musthave to get this (I think, not sure, I haven't read much into it yet). But because he feels so well for the rest, the prospect of not seeing well won't just include difficulties. I'm afraid it will also include sadness, e.g. if he can't see how his grandchildren are evolving among other things. That saddens me too. My dad heard about a possible treatment that might slow things down, but it's way too early to know how fast all this goes.
Whenever I speak more than usual, my throat starts to really hurt and eventually swells up. It appears that my body has adapted to my non-talkative ways.