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I hate it when vocals sit way on top of the mix instead of blending in with it.

Agreed. I understand this kind of production in actual pop music or singer/songwriter stuff (sometimes), but in "metal" it just points out the inadequacies of the singer.

It makes me think of pop when they do that with vocals. Is that the point? So it sounds glossy and polished?

Yes. It's very common these days because if you play in a "metal" band you can get radio airplay if you have pop production.
I've been studying in the uni library for the past week or so with my high school friends. They aren't students at my uni, but they are closer to my uni's library than theirs. Their library is smaller than ours even though they have most students in Serbia. Also, people wait until late evening for the cleaning ladies to leave, then they leave a book in their spot and get to the library in the morning before the cleaning ladies get to work so some spots are taken for days on end. So this morning they were ID'ing students at my uni and my friends weren't allowed in and now I have to be there all alone again :(