Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I've used the same shaver since I started shaving when I was like 15. Well, 2 shavers, but same model. Never did the razor/cream thing.
Fail of the day:
So I'm in the library at uni all day and I get an SMS from the bank saying I need to put some money on the account for monthly expenses. It's not the main bank I use, but I keep the account because my mom has one at the same bank and could transfer money to me in case of an emergency. Anyway, I look up online to see where the nearest ATM is and it's about 1km from uni. So I open Google Maps and start walking there and when I get to the dot on the map, there's nothing there. It's actually right next to uni apparently, I just trusted Google Maps instead of looking up street numbers <_< I get to the ATM at last only to find out I left the card at home. FML
Actually, I said hello to him. May even have shaken his hand, don't recall -- we'd been drinking quite a bit.
Technically, I said, "Hey, was that Janick" and you and Wasted took off after him like a shot. Then you caught up, shoot his hand, and questioned whether or not he should be out at 2 AM the night before a gig.

We drank a ton that night. :D
Okay, I think I prefer beard talk to shaving talk.
I have a beard.

Once, just once, I got a shave from a barber. It was awesome, but I'm too cheap to do it again.
Agreed. But it is a really fantastic experience. I think if I got married I'd do it again.

I've used the same shaver since I started shaving when I was like 15. Well, 2 shavers, but same model. Never did the razor/cream thing.
Shavers suck and don't give a proper shave.
Breaking news just got banned in Turkey.

Yes, you read that right. News stations are no longer allowed to do breaking news in Turkey.