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Today was a good day.
Had the chance to speak for about a half-hour with one of my favourite old Canadian rock artists and songwriters.
Tom Cochrane is not generally the type of music this forum gravitates to, but you've probably heard Lunatic Fringe from his Red Rider days, or Life is a Highway, his biggest hit as a solo artist.

It was great to discover the man I've been listening to for 35 years is as intelligent, open and down-to-earth as his music.
A good day.

That is pretty bad, I had an open mind with them on the last tour .. but live they were pretty bad and the singer really could not have acted or looked like a bigger douche if he tried.

I remember thinking one song is pretty decent and the rest all sounded alike and were pretty poor (at best)
The music is fine, but wholly unmemorable and uninteresting. Seems like the guitarists are both decent players (as Steve's son should be), but the vocalist is just so flat. His voice is flat, his melodies are flat...meh.
Yeah, with a better singer they could get up to decent, there seems to be some talent in the band .. but yeah musically it is really generic
If you disregard the video and the vocalist, it's ok. Youtube metal
Today I came back home after spending a week at a ski resort with my brother. Judging by how much Danish we heard spoken there, one could think the Dano-Norwegian union was still alive and kicking.
Oh, I see now, you were referring to my FB post from earlier tonight. No, they had very little in common.

That post pointed out that going by how much said Danes were applying the "plow" technique, one could be tempted to think it was some sort of agrarian convention.
The singer sounds like he got worse from the EP. Some actively cringe-inducing sounds there. George was one of the best on stage (as we'd expect) when I saw them both times.
Oh, I see now, you were referring to my FB post from earlier tonight. No, they had very little in common.

That post pointed out that going by how much said Danes were applying the "plow" technique, one could be tempted to think it was some sort of agrarian convention.
That explains why FB couldn't handle the translation!
I didn't think Raven Age was terrible, it was just that I didn't really enjoy hearing the same song played 6 times in a row.
I hate it when vocals sit way on top of the mix instead of blending in with it. Recently heard a similar example: awful vocals and too loud compared to the rest of the mix.

It makes me think of pop when they do that with vocals. Is that the point? So it sounds glossy and polished?