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I agree. (Well, except for Animals as Leaders)

Honestly, although I know about the "djent controversy", I probably never listened to any such band. Only Meshuggah (and I didn't like them all that much, tbh). But whatever the genre is, I still fail to hear any similarity whatsoever between AAL and Meshuggah.

Still, Animals as Leaders "szcj", apparently, so the point is moot.
Honestly, although I know about the "djent controversy", I probably never listened to any such band. Only Meshuggah (and I didn't like them all that much, tbh). But whatever the genre is, I still fail to hear any similarity whatsoever between AAL and Meshuggah.

Well that's my point, AAL is the djent band that doesn't sound like Meshuggah.

The similarities are on their more complex rhythm based stuff with chugging on the low strings, not the fusion-y type songs.
The similarities are on their more complex rhythm based stuff with chugging on the low strings, not the fusion-y type songs.

Still, then Symph X could be djent. Dream Theater could be djent. Dead on Time by Queen could be djent. I know I'm being a dick, but I still fail to understand what the genre is supposed to be, even after watching YouTube tutorials. :D Never mind.
Meshuggah were never djent..or perhaps they were djent before any such thing as the term djent was invited....all I know is...When we were thrashing a long to the fantastic Caosphere album in 1999 we sure as hell didn't call Meshuggah "Djent" :p That word didn't even exist back then.

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BTW Meshuggah are one of the bands I definitely respect, but cannot really enjoy. Any single song is great (and the video is funny, I admit), but I just can't get through the whole album. I never had such problem even with even more stylistically cohesive bands like Suffocation. Don't know why.