Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I did 'Can I Play With Madness?' on karaoke last night as preparation for next week. The bar staff show scores for everyone who does a song and I managed to do better than one of my friends who did Rick Astley. Only a couple of people in the bar seemed to know the song but I managed to get a response with "scream for me". :D
I didn't count Wingman because he's already in Oslo.
So much time I dedicate to this damn instrument and then, when it matters, everything crumbles and becomes a lifeless pulp of sounds, and I manage to make a fool of myself in front of some 50 people. I managed to stay calm and confident on stage but the aftermath of all this is a nightmare.
There's always a difference in having spent aeons in a rather comfy place where everything is under control and live performances. I hope you'll play live more often and taste the better side of it!

Perhaps you like to tell the responsible people for the sound, what you think of it. Might get some more frustration out, and who knows they appreciate it as well.

Personally, I can get very negative if I make mistakes during a gig. Usually the bigger part of the audience doesn't always notice it, but I still can't stand it.
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Trying to gain weight is strictly for aesthetic purposes in my case. I don't like looking weak, it doesn't suit my personality or my looks.

But like I said, it's more of a by-product of my actual goal: Getting healthy.
*rubs eyes* :nuts:

Trying to gain weight is not strictly for aesthetic purposes in your case. It is needed in order to get healthy.
I played live a handful of times (from a couple of songs to an hour or so; all with a band) & honestly don't recall making any mistakes from a playing perspective. However, with a crappy Peavey amp & no decent effects, I'm sure I sounded like shit. Our soundcheck involved making sure we could be heard over our drummer. We also played in School halls to I'm sure the acoustics were poor. I don't really enjoy playing in front of people, but I never really found playing live that difficult. It helped that we didn't play anything faintly difficult.

I wouldn't get too annoyed/upset by it, Saap; your own material sounds pretty sweet to my ears, & your playing is getting better & better.
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*rubs eyes* :nuts:

Trying to gain weight is not strictly for aesthetic purposes in your case. It is needed in order to get healthy.

No it's not. My health problem is scoliosis. I work out to fix my scoliosis, and working out helps gain weight if you eat well enough.
July is knocking on the door.
The time of month long vacations, five figure corporate bonuses and Maiden shows ;)
Being severely underweight is, but it's more about gaining the necessary nutrition than just gaining weight. You can be overweight but still malnourished.
Yup, every one of us is individual and general equations such as BMI can be a good starting point but take that value with +- 15% grains of salt. As I've written before, with 80kg my BMI is really normal/slightly underweight, yet I would look like I just died.

Nutrition is a general problem of the first world today. A lot of people lack money, but even more so time to eat good food.