Travis The Dragon
For those who haven't seen this, it's WELL worth watching!
I didn't count Wingman because he's already in Oslo.
How many in total from here ended up going to Oslo?
There's about five, I think...
I didn't count Wingman because he's already in Oslo.
There's always a difference in having spent aeons in a rather comfy place where everything is under control and live performances. I hope you'll play live more often and taste the better side of it!So much time I dedicate to this damn instrument and then, when it matters, everything crumbles and becomes a lifeless pulp of sounds, and I manage to make a fool of myself in front of some 50 people. I managed to stay calm and confident on stage but the aftermath of all this is a nightmare.
Plus I forgot National Acrobat the first time around
*rubs eyes*Trying to gain weight is strictly for aesthetic purposes in my case. I don't like looking weak, it doesn't suit my personality or my looks.
But like I said, it's more of a by-product of my actual goal: Getting healthy.
*rubs eyes*
Trying to gain weight is not strictly for aesthetic purposes in your case. It is needed in order to get healthy.
The time of monthlong vacations, five figure corporate bonuses andMaiden shows
Not weighing enough is also unhealthy.
I probably eat better than most people on this site. Very little sugar and salt in my diet, next-to-none junk food and I dislike fast food.