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I eat poorly.

Way too much fast food. Way too much potato chips and french fries. I keep thinking that all the good beer I drink will offset all the bad food.

It only took me like 2-3 months to go from underweight to normal weight (55kg to 75kg (approximately); height 182cm) when I was about Flash's age.

I had to have all 3 (big portions) meals at home regardless of whether I ate outside or somewhere else. So sometimes I'd have like 5 meals in one day. After I got my desired weight I just cut out breakfast and now I only eat lunch and dinner. I only eat breakfast if I have somewhere to be early in the morning. So if I wake up at 7am to go to uni I'll have breakfast, but I won't have it if I get up at 10am and stay at home. Been yo-yo-ing from 75-80kg ever since.
Just voted Mosh.

Earlier today, Ben wanted to go for a car ride and we took him to this new park they built next to a really huge sport center, but it wasn't your average playground. It's called Madison's Place: http://ci.woodbury.mn.us/madison-s-place-universal-access-playground It has tons of swings, a really unique merry go round, a super huge area with walkways and ramps that lead up to slides, and a splash zone with water that sprays all over the place. Ben hasn't wanted to go to a park in a few years now and absolutely loved it! He was there almost an hour! One small problem is that it says it's geared towards kids with disabilities, but they let everyone there. It's a small trade off though since it's something he loves so much and hasn't really gotten out and about in some time. So, that was a really great discovery for him.
No, but Sabaton is in the game soundtrack. I apparently bought a Sabaton DLC for it, so songs from Heroes keep popping on.
I can't get into the Paradox strategy games myself. They're a bit too limiting with what is possible, and a bit too hard to dedicate time to understanding.

I'm a much bigger fan of Civ, my Gustavus Adolphus avatar is actually from his rendering from Civ (even if it is the rendering of the wrong king, Eric XIV).