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I've gone through every technical/scientific explanation for 9/11 and through all crazy conspiracy theories.
My conclusion is - for everything to happen the way that 'legitimate explanations' say, a lot of stuff needs to happen exactly, stuff that usually happens by chance.
I've gone through a large amount of the conspiracy body, as well as a lot of the technical/scientific stuff. The tech/sci stuff is realistic and fairly true, whereas the conspiracy stuff is nonsense.

Travis, I pity you.
All it takes is one conspiracy (out of thousands proposed) to finally be true and the other thousands gain credibility ... for some unknown reason. When it comes to government conspiracies, my thought is simple ... you will never running into a more idiotically run, inefficient, and dull minded group of people. 3 of them conspiring to go to the bathroom at the same time would probably even be a stretch.
Government is bad at keeping secrets. bearfan and I might not agree on much politically, but we agree on that point: government is bad at keeping secrets. Too many people, too much administration. Someone will give it up. The only time government is good at keeping secrets is during wartime.
I've wondered about one thing: The 9/11 attacks happened less than a year into Bush's tenure as President. If the conspiracy was real it must surely have taken more than a few months to plan. Train the terrorists, drill the staff who would demolish the towers, find ways to make what would become the official version at least somewhat credible - and people from two different governments would have to be involved! The Bush and Clinton administrations would have had to be in it together. ...
When it comes to government conspiracies, my thought is simple ... you will never running into a more idiotically run, inefficient, and dull minded group of people. 3 of them conspiring to go to the bathroom at the same time would probably even be a stretch.

Also known as the 'piss-up and brewery' theory. Once anything gets complicated to arrange and conceal, it becomes incredibly unlikely that a government could carry it off.
I've gone through a large amount of the conspiracy body, as well as a lot of the technical/scientific stuff. The tech/sci stuff is realistic and fairly true, whereas the conspiracy stuff is nonsense.

The detached building (the 'short' one) came down due to pressure in underground plumbing (AFAIR). That's the fishy one.
For others, certain gov't structures in U.S. knew that it's coming and actually did nothing.

All it takes is one conspiracy (out of thousands proposed) to finally be true and the other thousands gain credibility ... for some unknown reason. When it comes to government conspiracies, my thought is simple ... you will never running into a more idiotically run, inefficient, and dull minded group of people. 3 of them conspiring to go to the bathroom at the same time would probably even be a stretch.

Hanlon's razor.

Unfortunately for you, it's not heads from the government running the show. They're just puppets.
Various powers had a grip on common folk for hundreds of years, no minor nuisances like universal suffrage and democracy were ever going to stop them.
There's always an alternative.

It's astonishing how big of a distraction Youtube can be. I've gone from some random Estonian youtuber to episodes of Letterman and everything in between. All the while I should've been reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin".
Literally no official announcement, but Buckethead is now playing at least 19 dates April/May this year; although nothing international. I wonder how much flights are to Washington D. C. from Glasgow...
Ah, I see now. I do wonder why it's for sale. I guess scientists who want to study it would buy it.

And it shouldn't surprise you that I completely believe everything here. And yes, people have tried to debunk it for me MANY MANY times and I absolutely refuse to believe any and all debunkers.
'They' should throw a whale into a building and see what happens. Or throw a whale at Miley Ray Cyrus.