Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I've been checking those "Best of Year X" type videos on YouTube for a while. Treating it as Best of Mainstream/Pop, obviously. The growing influence of EDM and the growing extent of electronic manipulation really ruined the interesting aspects of pop. The grooves that get you dancing are gone, any sort of rock'n roll influence is gone. Up until 2010 there were a shit ton of tracks that I really enjoyed, then it goes downhill from there.

I've always found that a good indicator of quality in music is the work's flexibility across the genres. A good pop song usually works well when covered in the manners of other genres and vice versa. Recent works of pop really don't translate that well, they don't sound interesting at all.

Pop has always looked to appeal to the wider audience and wild as it might sound, it's dumbed down and gotten tasteless quite recently. Would've posted this in a Pop Thread if we had one. We probably should.
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Just open it, it's not like it costs money to open a thread and it ain't gonna go anywhere if it doesn't get replies :P
Yeah, open it. You must not be offended if I put some Dion & the Belmonts there (hey, pop is pop :p ), but I for one am seriously interested in everybody's opinion on today's mainstream, so :ok:
SMX will join a pop thread. He will talk about the glory days of pop.

But the problem with pop is that it doesn't have an actual style all its own. It takes whatever is big in other genres and mixes them together for a commonplace sound designed to appeal to the average consumer of the day - aka, teens. That's why women my age still pack Backstreet concerts but their daughters went insane over one One Direction.
But the problem with pop is that it doesn't have an actual style all its own. It takes whatever is big in other genres and mixes them together for a commonplace sound designed to appeal to the average consumer of the day - aka, teens. That's why women my age still pack Backstreet concerts but their daughters went insane over one One Direction.

That likely opens up more room for conversation, though. Immense diversity and eclectism under one grand umbrella. I'm gonna have to disagree with the "aka, teens" part of your post. Pop goes after pretty much all demographics. There are certain genres of pop that go for the kids, teens and young adults, but there are a ton of pop listeners in their 50s and 60s.
Yes, like - for example - the septuagenarian Engelbert Humperdinck, who's definitely not aiming at the teens.


(yep, that's totally him)

But now seriously, I also think it's not necessary for pop to be aimed at teens, however the pop I come across usually (the most mainstream style, like in those "Best of [year]" videos on Youtube) sounds and seems to me like it is. I don't know whether that says something about me or the pop in question. I might be wrong, though.
Young adults is a huge demographic. "Teens" is selling it short, I think.

Edit: Just realized The Pop Thread was my 9000th post on the forum. :D
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Me: OK. Now follow the instructions on the screen to start the remote session.
Them: Well, it's not working.
Me: OK, did you follow the instructions?
Them: What instructions?
Me: What does it say on the screen.
Them: I dunno. It says click here to start the session or something.
Me: Then click there.
Them: Oh, OK.

How do some people remember to fucking breathe?
I studied for exam1 for like an hour altogether and passed it, but failed the exam2 - the one I pulled an allnighter for :(

All-nighters are useless for studying. I found them useful for output reasons - most of my term papers were written at night time. But they're pointless for input.
I forgot to reply to this. You're totally right. I came to a point where I couldn't process a paragraph because I was so tired. It's only really useful for writing presentations/essays.
I studied for exam1 for like an hour altogether and passed it, but failed the exam2 - the one I pulled an allnighter for :(

This was me in college. The less I gave into the preparation, the better the result usually was. :D

Me: OK. Now follow the instructions on the screen to start the remote session.
Them: Well, it's not working.
Me: OK, did you follow the instructions?
Them: What instructions?
Me: What does it say on the screen.
Them: I dunno. It says click here to start the session or something.
Me: Then click there.
Them: Oh, OK.

How do some people remember to fucking breathe?

Me: OK. Now follow the instructions on the screen to start the remote session.
Them: Well, it's not working.
Me: OK, did you follow the instructions?
Them: What instructions?
Me: What does it say on the screen.
Them: I dunno. It says click here to start the session or something.
Me: Then click there.
Them: Oh, OK.

How do some people remember to fucking breathe?

:facepalm: that gives a new dimension to the term "slow-witted".

Fortunately for them, breathing is one of the few things you don't need to remember :D
All-nighters are useless for studying. I found them useful for output reasons - most of my term papers were written at night time. But they're pointless for input.

Same experience here. I finished many reports quite late, but I (almost) never stayed up late to study for exams. It's hard to learn anything when you're tired.