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Yeah, while I have seen Die Hard so long ago I don't remember pretty much anything about it, Rickman was the sole reason I enjoyed Prince of Thieves and definitely had the best part in Love Actually. Also, much as I disliked the Potter movies (pretty much for their diversions from the books, so they made much less sense), his performance was the final straw that made me actually like them (but yes, the already mentioned Maggie Smith was very important in that regard too).

His presence and voice made him very memorable, even in case his role was small (which they mostly were). My wife thinks he was the best. I will definitely miss him.

It's also a pity about Bowie, though it's probably years since I have listened to any album of his (though I still play a song or two from Ziggy from time to time).
Not sure if allnighter was a good idea, not really making big progress with studying, too late to go to sleep and I have to be up for at least 8 more hours :yawn: Already up for 20,5 hours :yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn:
Not sure if allnighter was a good idea, not really making big progress with studying, too late to go to sleep and I have to be up for at least 8 more hours :yawn: Already up for 20,5 hours :yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn:

All-nighters are useless for studying. I found them useful for output reasons - most of my term papers were written at night time. But they're pointless for input.
Decided to splurge today and buy The Book of Souls on vinyl. First time listening to it in 2016 and it's still awesome.

I also finally heard that "mistake" some people were talking about in Speed of Light when it came out (at least I assume that's what they were referring to). Still can't believe how nitpicky people were getting.
Oh yeah, baby, WEEKEND! Let's get completely shitfaced, eat some disgusting and unhealthy fast food and go to see The Revenant, preferably not in this order. :D

And spend tomorrow chopping wood and selling horses... oh well.. :(
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