Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I got the 2016 Iron Maiden calendar as a gift from my boyfriend! :clap:He's the best, isn't he?

He seems like an OK guy. Has he seen Maiden himself though?

Every day I wake up at 2-3 PM, feel like shit throughout the day and fail to fall asleep at night. I am trapped in a heck of a schedule.
What's with the moderator pending approval messages in nuno's thread?
I've only been a member of this forum for about a year and a week, so i don't really know about these thing yet, but does anyone know when was the last time the forum's image was changed?

One of the many things i love about this forum is how easy it is to use, but at the same time i feel some things image-wise could be changed, what do you guys think? Has anyone already thought about this?
I've pretty much packed for tomorrow, and yes, I have packed my travel toothbrush in preparation for June. Moving luggage around is going to be a colossal pain in the arse tomorrow as I'm taking my pop-up tent with me.
The Maidenfans forum is no joke. It is a tough regime that does not tolerate criticism from the citizens, therefore each comment needs to be checked by the authorities before it is shown to the public.
Then my thoughts on the matter will forever be unknown. The loss to the forum at large is incalculable.
The Maidenfans forum is no joke. It is a tough regime that does not tolerate criticism from the citizens, therefore each comment needs to be checked by the authorities before it is shown to the public.

Bull. We've gone soft ever since Maverick left. We used to hand out suspensions for incorrect punctuation and bans for conspiracy theories.
I know it's not the "cool" thing to do, but being with my parents and having my grandma and aunt over for the New Year's Eve makes me way happier than a party can ever do.
Up sure me John and he is this or any story that really think we do you just like the questions are your you doing good with this ahead is it is it is rooted means that people there is a girl writer that three whatever the 84olympia one Lee anyone answer demands comeback will pop up action I know you're a national writer I was air I really like that year a Sergio we still I think maybe Sergio could have been there what's the split where when it's replace it he had aunty a yeah I maybe six let up you know I it was great mean everybody loved her Yahoo's Giorgio II K going to be he still has a rock yeah it still wasn’t like it was work he still at really...
Look anitam, I don't know who John or Lee are, or this writer girl you speak of; but I know Sergio's Aunty very well & she wouldn't take any of this "rock yeah" shit from you or Giorgio II (or anyone else for that matter). You need to stop all this nonsense talk right now.
Try eating some oatmeal in the morning if you want to lose some weight. The high fiber makes you feel full until it is time to eat lunch. Also, it has a lot of protein, even if you do not use milk in it. The warmness of this food is very satisfying and you can eat a large amount of it. It is also very filling.Consume whipped butter. Certain individuals simply refuse to eliminated butter from their diet. Many people like how real butter tastes. Fortunately, it is not necessary to completely cut butter from your recipes if you want to shed pounds. A great alternative is whipped butter. It has 50% less calories.It's good to visualize just how much extra weight you're carrying around. Do this by looking for a 5 pound weight at a gym. Try each weight and have the mentality that this is what you need to get rid of. You should find this enough motivation to get this out of your body as soon as possible.
Very interesting, Crum. How's "the changing" going with you anyway? Did you say you're due to gain full consciousness next week? No more bot spamming for you, eh?
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Last day of 2015! Going to see Star Wars in IMAX, then I'm going to watch the Michigan State game.

Happy 2016, Up the Irons, and Go Spartans!