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Yeah, there's no way around it. Although it's gotten better already. I was visiting the lady last week and got home on Wednesday night already having a stuffy nose. But, the Prussian soldiers on and I did my usual job of talking non-stop in the museum and the academy for three days, to come home Saturday noon and find my voice completely gone. Which is good timing, I guess, because I can recover for a few days and only have to be back talking on Thursday.
I have, in fact, never heard of any person who likes Creed.

The movie is quite good. The band, no. Actually, they might be more tolerable if their lead singer weren't such a douche.
Financial Aid has finally been awarded to me. I'll be starting my college classes at the beginning of January, I'm stoked!
Congrats! College is pretty conducive to getting laid AND taking naps, so you've got that going for you.
got home on Wednesday night already having a stuffy nose

On Wednesday, my family and I arrived at my brother-in-law's house in Nashville for Thanksgiving. Upon arriving, we learned -- for the very first time -- that everyone in my brother-in-law's family was sick. I was furious. Am I off base, or was it reprehensible for them not to warn us and give us the option to stay away from the germ party at their house?

P.S. Inevitably, my daughter and wife got sick, and I am probably next.
Upon arriving, we learned -- for the very first time -- that everyone in my brother-in-law's family was sick.
Depends on the level of sick. If it's, everyone's been sick for three days, is still sick, and such, then you're right to be angry. If it was, yesterday one kid had a sniffle, now everyone is getting it, then maybe you're over-reacting.
After quite a cold summer I thought we would have a cold winter as well. So far I've been wrong but you never know what January/February might bring.
Depends on the level of sick. If it's, everyone's been sick for three days, is still sick, and such, then you're right to be angry. If it was, yesterday one kid had a sniffle, now everyone is getting it, then maybe you're over-reacting.

Depends how messy the bug is, in my book. A sniffly cold? Okay. Norovirus? Ew.