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It sounded as if you painted a too positive picture. I could have used the same smiley, but hey, perhaps better not.

Too positive picture how? Do you think the Islamic world was sinking in bigotry and extremism during Medieval times? If so, that's not an opinion, that's just a wrong statement.
What needs to be highlighted is science and education, or lack thereof. Christianity still exists in Europe but science and education are advanced and its extremism is pretty much irrelevant at the moment. Wasn't always the case. During Medieval times, Muslim nations were at their Golden Age, leading science while Christendom was in its dark ages, sinking in bigotry and extremism. Tables have turned. The difference is education, freedom and science. Not religion.
I might have misinterpreted it but it sounded to me as if the Muslim nations come out too positive here, since you do not mention their extremism from that same era. Especially when you compare it with what you said about Christendom in the same sentence.
Flash is right, the Muslim nations were in a much better position in terms of acceptance and prosperity as opposed to the Christian nations at the time. Although part of me does think that was because of the lack of outside influence at the time because of the limitations and lack of available information at the time.
I honestly have the idea that some people out here missed some history chapters.

My main point is: Time of prosper, a time of development in science, does not exclude extremism.
What on earth is the point in this argument?

My point was that eliminating religion is not the solution to end extremism, but science, freedom and education are. As for the argument with Foro, I'm not so sure myself, to be honest.

My main point is: Time of prosper, a time of development in science, does not exclude extremism.

The opposite of that is not a notion that I argued for, though. Don't know what you're getting at. "Sinking in bigotry and extremism" and "having some extremism" are different things.
The speed of my internet drives me crazy.
I know your pain, I live in a somewhat rural area and the best internet I can get tops out at 12 MB/s and there's a 10 GB cap (when you hit your cap, speed slows down incredibly). It sucks, but I need it for college.
My brother's been downloading Fallout 4 the whole day and I've been struggling to load web pages, let alone things that require more power. Damn this weak connection.
I haven't played a video game in ages. My laptop has been an immense disappointment in that regard. It has the specifications to run pretty much every new game but the performance is garbage. Haven't been able to figure out why, so I simply stopped playing video games.
I'm still in a bit of shock and sadness over all of this. I'm quite scared as to what is planned for here in the US as well. I know it's been 14 years since 911, but the terrorists sure do threaten us a lot and it could be taking this long because they might be planning something really super huge. All anyone here can do is hope and pray that they're not in the wrong place at the wrong time. SIGH :(
Anyone who believes in karma: what can that scum be reincarnated as, which could possibly be considered a just punishment?

Sometimes I wish I believed that Hell was real. Sometimes, eternal damnation seems about right.

Usually, I calm down. Good thing I'm not almighty.
No offence if any of you have it but I hate the French flag profile covers on Facebook. It's a tragic event made into social media bullcrap and hasn't got much to do with expression of condolences. I think most people (there are exceptions, of course) do it just to be part of a trend.
Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.