Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Anyone who believes in karma: what can that scum be reincarnated as, which could possibly be considered a just punishment?

Sometimes I wish I believed that Hell was real. Sometimes, eternal damnation seems about right.

Usually, I calm down. Good thing I'm not almighty.

Shit. I just googled "eternal damnation" , ended up reading some fundamentalist shit and now I'm even more depressed becausr people actually do believe in it.

Fuck this, I'm having a beer.

Everyone in the world should be smoking pot. We all need it to make us more peaceful towards each other. It's God's beautiful and wonderful herb to give us that peace we so badly need. I know I'm dreaming, but things would be so much better if we all were stoned and just chilling out and not being so angry and hateful towards one another.
No offence if any of you have it but I hate the French flag profile covers on Facebook. It's a tragic event made into social media bullcrap and hasn't got much to do with expression of condolences. I think most people (there are exceptions, of course) do it just to be part of a trend.
I know your pain, I live in a somewhat rural area and the best internet I can get tops out at 12 MB/s and there's a 10 GB cap (when you hit your cap, speed slows down incredibly). It sucks, but I need it for college.

Funny, I have 8 MB/s within a smaller city - which in reality is more like 6 MB/s. Can't get any faster... There were plans for fibre, but too few in the neighborhood subscribed so that was scrapped. Suuuuucks!

I haven't played a video game in ages. My laptop has been an immense disappointment in that regard. It has the specifications to run pretty much every new game but the performance is garbage. Haven't been able to figure out why, so I simply stopped playing video games.

Experiencing the exact same thing. Started playing Day of Defeat: Source a few days ago. At least that over 10 year old game runs smoothly...
I bought an Amazon Echo, this thing is cool.

Alexa, What is the weather?
Alexa, tell me a joke
Alexa, what is on my calendar today?
Alexa what is on my shopping list?
Alexa, play Iron Maiden
Followup .. Alexa .. set volume to 10

Sweet. I love gadgets
Meanwhile, there's flooding here and most of the roads across to the north side of the river are closed.
That kind of sucks, is everyone ok?

I came across probably the most interesting blog post I've ever come across last tonight. This man by the name of Dave Ballantyne was heavily into the underground tape trading and demo collecting scene from the late 80's/early 90's. He mainly obsessed over death metal over that time and listened to a lot of the early demos from bands like Xecutioner, Autopsy, Benediction, etc.. Come 1991, however, he felt the genre peaked and he stopped keeping up with death metal. Here recently, he decided to do a top ten death metal albums. The list only featured two albums I had heard before, and there were a handful of bands I had never heard of before.

It's a fairly interesting read if you've got some time to kill: DAVE's top ten Death Metal albums
The list only featured two albums I had heard before, and there were a handful of bands I had never heard of before.

Really? Sorry to say but most/all of those bands and albums are well known Death Metal albums if you're into the genre. The only real surprise there is the inclusion of Subconscious Terror by Benediction. He should have waited a few years before quitting and he would have heard their best album Transcend The Rubicon from 1993 :p

If you haven't heard these bands before check out the Death Metal thread here on the forum and you'll have a lot of bands to discover :)

Still though, I enjoyed reading his notes on each pick. Definitely very interesting. I'd be very interested in hearing his picks for best underrated/obscure bands, he probably heard a few through the tape trading :)
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Death metal's a sub-genre I'm trying harder to get into. Carnage, Slaughter, Massacre, and Repulsion were bands I'd never heard of before honestly. Death metal is pretty good (I don't know if I'd consider myself a fan of it yet though), but I'd say I'm definitely more versed in the likes of Traditional/Thrash/Speed
Death metal's a sub-genre I'm trying harder to get into. Carnage, Slaughter, Massacre, and Repulsion were bands I'd never heard of before honestly. Death metal is pretty good (I don't know if I'd consider myself a fan of it yet though), but I'd say I'm definitely more versed in the likes of Traditional/Thrash/Speed

Check out the Death Metal thread and go through it from page 1. Lots of good stuff throughout.
