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Putting the films as better than the books is like saying:

Jackson > Tolkien.

This is utter nonsense. Go get yourself a coffee...
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LotR books > LotR films > Harry Potter films > Harry Potter books > Narnia books > Narnia films

The only reason I'm putting Harry Potter films ahead of Harry Potter books is the presence of one Emma Watson.
LotR books > Harry Potter books >>> LotR movies > HP movies > anything Narnia.

Haven't read Narnia books since childhood, but I don't recall especially loving them. I got through them. I also first read Hobbit/LotR at that age too, but those inspired yearly re-reads.

"LotR movies" means LotR. Not Hobbit. I only left Hobbit off the list because I've never seen a complete Narnia movie, so I can't compare... but Hobbit movies are in the same area, I think.