Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Good morning!

And the board is spam-free again. I nearly deleted the Dream Theater thread because there's no thread starter avatar and it was in the middle of five spam threads.
Good morning!

And the board is spam-free again. I nearly deleted the Dream Theater thread because there's no thread starter avatar and it was in the middle of five spam threads.

Would have started a War of the Mods, I guess ... as SMX is a huge fan, I mean.

Btw, I haven't written anything about my visit to RIAT yet, so here goes.

We arrived on Friday, mainly to have a better look at the aircraft on static display. However, there were some flying displays on Friday as well. The highlights from the Saturday/Sunday displays were, in my opinion:

- The Avro Vulcan strategic bomber. There is only one currently flying, and it is its last year (after 2015, it will not be permitted to fly anymore, because of the number of flying hours it has accumulated). Very agile for a bomber, and all in all a very special aircraft.

- As usual, the aerobatic teams (Red Arrows, Patrouille de France and more)

- The Battle of Britain memorial flight, which consisted of a faux dogfight between a Spitfire and a restored Bf-109, and then later in the day a series of flypasts from a formation of Hurricanes, Spitfires, the afore mentioned Bf-109 and a Spanish-built "Buchon" (license-built 109, but with a Rolls-Royce engine). Plus, a Bristol Blenheim two-engine bomber.

- A formation flypast where the Avro Vulcan flew together with The Red Arrows. Very cool.

There were also helicopters and some modern fast jet fighters doing various aerobatics. And even a transport plane (a military Airbus turboprop machine) doing some rolling and other maneuvering).

The Sunday displays had a couple of hiccups. The Bf-109 didn't take part in the morning "dogfight" session because of too much cross-wind for it to take off, and the French jet duo of Dassault Mirage fighters (called the Ramex Delta team) had a bird strike just after takeoff, meaning that the stricken plane had to land right away and the other continued the show alone.

All in all, a lot if interesting stuff to see and a weekend well spent.
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What fast jets were there? I hope to see the Vulcan at a small airshow at the end of August, I've only seen it flying once before, and I'd love to see it again before it retires.
The fast jets, from the top of my head:

- Two F-16s, one from the Greek air force (in very fancy paint) and one from the Belgian air force.
- Two Eurofighter Typhoons, both from the RAF. One did a "synchro pair" display with a Spitfire!
- One F-18 from the Finnish air force
- One MiG-29 from the Polish air force
- As mentioned, two Dassault Mirage 2000 jets from the French air force.
Biked to a lake nearby today and went for a swim. Surprisingly cold water for late July. My first sea bath of the summer, a couple of weeks ago, was significantly warmer.
Reddit has a thread going today asking for an AMA with Maiden to be arranged. Getting a fair bit of attention: half from Maiden fans who want the AMA, half cowbell jokes.
Reddit has a thread going today asking for an AMA with Maiden to be arranged. Getting a fair bit of attention: half from Maiden fans who want the AMA, half cowbell jokes.

No doubt an actual Maiden AMA would be rife with cowbell jokes as well. I wonder if Bruce even knows about that sketch...

Also, I assume they'd have someone responding for them while they talk. Not saying they're geezers, but I can't imagine anyone in the band being comfortable with reddit.
Nicko. It wouldn't be intelligible and it wouldn't be accurate, but he'd be all over that.

pokeybunny32: What's can you tell us about the new album? Any cool drum stuff we should look out for?

NickoMcBRIANJustKiddingsItsBRAIN: Awwell iz a bunch ofcool, stuff init i say we play some real real god upbeat shit right? an than bRuce comes in to say he done wen ouu und bought a paraket and i says whaaa you doin that forr and so we decided to keep playin so you shoold look out for somethat innit right?