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All night, every night. Easy one, that. That's why he's called 'Night Prowler'. Although he also appears at any given time of the day, too, I've no idea how that works.
Oh joy. It looks like I'll effectively be acting up as a manager for the next week, sorry no extra pay. On a brighter note, my new asthma inhalers are starting to work. It looks like the weeks of wheezing have finally come to an end.:clap:
This July perfectly illustrates an old saying: the Swedish summer is the best day of the year. <_<
I can't complain much about the Dutch either. But it changes pretty often. Tomorrow:

Northwestern storm! A storm in July is special out here; since 1906 this happened only 8 times before, at the coastal area. Windforce 9 is expected, but some weather models expect 10.
Well, after the coldest spring in forever, we're heading towards the rainiest July in a decade. And we didn't even get a good winter.
Anyway, assuming July is one of the bad skiing months, what will you do in the north?

Roadtrip, including a visit to a mate for some days. Possibly some fishing. The county of Nordland has plenty of beautiful landscapes that I want to enjoy from the road. Possibly I can make visits to some other friends on my way north or back south as well.
Norway is definitely beautiful, though I've never been that far north (not in Sweden either). Hope you have a good trip!
So I had a four-hour meeting today the quintessence of which was: 'Oy P, we'll need your last two weeks of work redone by Monday morning. Happy weekend!'
Norway is definitely beautiful, though I've never been that far north (not in Sweden either). Hope you have a good trip!

Thanks! In particular, I hope for clear weather when I pass by this pretty special mountain:


So I had a four-hour meeting today the quintessence of which was: 'Oy P, we'll need your last two weeks of work redone by Monday morning. Happy weekend!'

Bloody hell!