Got back from England unharmed, despite our sat-nav trying to send us into the weirdest of places (including off the road).
Last Sunday, on our way from RAF Fairford down to the B&B we were to stay at from Sunday until yesterday, it sent us off the main road just north of Bath, and after leaving Bath we drove for one and a half hour on narrow countryside roads. The fun started just before Bath, though.
Driving down a hill towards a roundabout, the sat-nav told us to exit the road at the last exit before the roundabout. The problem was, this exit was no more! This side road had been filled and there was now just a hillside. Then came the roundabout, where from the sign I had expected that we should turn right (following the main road around the town) but the sat-nav told me to turn left. I complied, only to find myself driving through narrow streets including across a bridge where two cars could not pass each other ...
To top it off. Our B&B was located north of the town of Yeovil, but despite approaching from the north, we were sent
through Yeovil.
But the rental car was returned unharmed yesterday, and I'm back in Norway and ready to continue the vacation. With a roadtrip in my own car - in Norway, where there are not nearly enough roads to trick me