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How brilliant of me. Because I took a different bag with me to work today (yesterday I had a backpack with training clothes, today I brought the PC bag instead) I managed to forget the keys to my office drawers at home.

And I biked to work today, which means more hassle to go back home and get those keys.

So this museum visitor tells me today: "There is very much from the Arab culture that I love very much, and they have some beautiful things in their countries - but why isn't that enough for them? Why do they have to come here and take what we have too? And treat the people here like they treat the Christians in their countries? Especially with their presumptuous religion that takes whatever they like from ours and falsifies it?"
Less time working on the last day!

I concluded I didn't need those keys anyway. The only thing I needed in that drawer was the passcode generator for a system I needed to log on to, but I got a colleague to log on for me (multi-layer sign-on, I had to use my own account for the final layer but didn't need the passcode generator for that).

Anyway, a relatively quiet day at work. Out of 80+ people working in this department, I reckon we're about 10 at work today, and many of our customers are also on vacation. July is not a month where a lot gets done in this country ...
Google Chrome has fucked me over for good. After years of ads sneaking through adblock and stuff crashing, pages are now loading half-way or not at all. Time to move onto Mozilla? *sigh*
Had a blast playing guitar. My mate has just bought a 7-string, it deceived me several times. It really got to shine when we played some Rammstein.
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The first close up images of Pluto are of concern

My hands aren't big enough to play a 9-string, I reckon :)

We also played Sabaton, and some Dream Theater snippets. Although Maiden and Metallica dominated.