Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Hello all! This is my first attempt to write a post on my shiny new touchscreen smartphone. So apologies if I've done anything daft.
No hangover whatsoever! Well, maybe a tiny, slight tiny little hint.
Some Danish guy working on the project decided to host a free BBQ outside a bar nearby. My dining experiences are really improving towards the end of this stay.
Good morning Europe! It seems like it will rain soon here in Qidong. It would actually be welcome, because the air here has generally been a lot fresher after rainfall. Especially on Wednesday (there was a lot of rain on Tuesday, the road from the hotel to the highway was more or less a river)
Ah, Leiden. My first non-Schiphol experience of the Netherlands ...

I just had dinner. There is actually one place on this city where they know how to prepare fish :)