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That sucks Brigantium :( At least you recognize it but you need to take care of yourself...if not by time off or a job switch then by letting your voice be heard at your workplace at least.
I hope the best for you, Brigs. It sounds like you're in an unreasonable and ungrateful situation.
Thanks all. I've been putting practically everything in life on hold to make way for work, but it's gone too far. I do have something else in the pipeline, but at the moment it wouldn't even cover the rent, so more radical thinking is needed. In the meantime, I'm going to get back to music and things I enjoy.
Good luck, Brigs! You'll find something better for you.
I don't regret giving up my job as a journalist, but I miss working from home. :(
Sounds about right.
I think I've finally reached the end with my job. This week has been nothing short of insane with constant, conflicting orders and escalating demands. It wouldn't be possible to fit in all the work even with 12 hour days and working weekends unpaid. Getting hassled on top of that for not producing exactly what's wanted fast enough is just going too far. My health is really suffering.

I hear ya Brig. I'm required to post 35 hours a week on a timesheet, and passed that with well over two days to go this week. It's got so bad recently that I've considered temporary unemployment as a potential career progression.
@Brigantium, @national acrobat - my full sympathy. It's not good when your superiors expect you to do more work, with improved quality, in the same time frame as before. It takes superhuman capacity, and I can only assume that neither of you have that - I certainly don't.

Fortunately it's still manageable in my department, but with the customers (oil and gas companies) looking to save money everywhere, I expect that the pressure will pile up on us as well.
Of course they are ... or at least were when the term was defined. Metal does not mean playing fast as well and doing a cookie monster imitation while singing