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So the long-running strike at my office continues.
This week they decided to suspend operations until further notice.
I have been temporarily moved to fill a vacancy at another nearby office.
They stressed this does not mean permanent closure, but I think the writing may be on the wall.

They're reaching pretty far for mascots. They're taking anything with a name that has appeared on an album cover. Since when is the Painkiller a "mascot" for Priest?

A true mascot appears in multiple artworks, doing different things at different times. Eddie is the classic case, Vic Rattlehead another good example. One album cover doesn't make a mascot.

Nor is a consistently used symbol a mascot. Metallica's "Scary Guy"...

...is not a mascot, because you never see it except in that depiction. When they draw Scary Guy doing something else, I'll call him a mascot.