Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Phew! Seems like all I've done this past month is work, drive, and sleep! I wasn't a break!:)

My three best friends growing up were brothers. They taught me sci-fi authors, video games, metal, and motorcycles. Haven't seen them all at the same time in over 10 years. Two live in Denver, so we all decided to meet up there to see Rush this summer. Super stoked for that!! SMX are you going to that?
As I think you're right and it was a quote from TBBT, I guess we've caught TBBT being imprecise!

In order for that phrase to describe a screw, the axis would have to be straight. A DNA molecule is a good example of something which is wrapped helically around an axis which is far from straight.
I just found out why traffic around my house was so messed up yesterday. A water main broke on a major road a mile away, and everyone got diverted this way.
And the attack of the Iron Minions begins!

I went for Thai food last night and the menu said, "We can make anything spicy, levels 0-9!" So I asked the waitress for a good amount of heat and she had me taste a hot sauce. It was very spicy (and I LOVE spicy food). She said that the level of the hot sauce was equivalent to a "2" on their scale. So, being bold, I said, "I'll have my dish at a level 3."

...it was so painful. I was so hungry, but I couldn't finish because my taste buds and stomach were very mad at me. I don't feel much better today. Next time, I'll for a 2. HOW THE HELL DOES ANYONE EAT A 9?!
Yeah, apparently they have a "Wall of Heat" with photos of anyone who has eaten an entire Level 9 dish (and they get their meal free). But after trying a 3, I could never attempt such a thing.