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Vancouver had an excellent Olympic committee and they ended up using the Olympics as a vehicle for urban improvement at a real cost of zero dollars and zero cents.
And Vancouver got rid of their ice skating accomodation and the Canadian level of that sport dropped big time in the next Olympics. Well done! :)
Berlin lost the Olympic bid! :clap::ok::yey:
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Yeah, I hope for Hamburg's sake that it will lose the bid. I also hope for Boston's sake that it will lose. Better said, I hope that any responsible nation will give up on the Olympics the way they exist now.
And Vancouver got rid of their ice skating accomodation and the Canadian level of that sport dropped big time in the next Olympics. Well done! :)
That facility was never meant to be permanent, because we still have a world-class speed skating rink in Calgary, where it's much easier to maintain (due to the fact that it's actually cold in Calgary). Our decline in speed skating in 2014 wasn't due to that, it was due to a lot of other issues.
I think they are using the Vancouver oval as a training facility for volleyball and a handful of other sports now.
That facility was never meant to be permanent, because we still have a world-class speed skating rink in Calgary, where it's much easier to maintain (due to the fact that it's actually cold in Calgary). Our decline in speed skating in 2014 wasn't due to that, it was due to a lot of other issues.
Decreasing the amount of facilities can certainly have impact. Even not the main issue, especially in such a big country it can make a difference. Time (the next Winter Olympics! ;-) will tell.
I think they are using the Vancouver oval as a training facility for volleyball and a handful of other sports now.
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Decreasing the amount of facilities can certainly have impact. Even not the main issue, especially in such a big country it can make a difference. Time (i.e. the next Winter Olympics) will tell.
The Calgary oval is sufficient for our training needs. It is a superb facility and both well-funded and maintained. It's where we trained our best speedskaters, and it's where we'll train the next generation.

My friend released a very cool and addictive android/iOS game. The name of the game is "stackle". Try it out, there's a fully functional free version (with ads every time you lose).

It's a good game, for real. There's gonna be a bug fix later, this is the initial release.

Edit: Oh wait, the iOS version isn't released yet.
My phone isn't android, is it playable via web?

Edit: googling "stackle" reveals many games of that name, most variants of Jenga. Which one is your bud's game?
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No, sorry. :(

Here's a screenshot.

Kinda reminds me of tetris. It isn't easy either, the stack of objects will fall rather easily. I haven't gotten past 13 meters yet.