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A very Spinal Tap moment! Congrats on a successful gig.

Thanks. It was great fun.

Btw, we had another Spinal Tap moment during final soundcheck: the power adapter to my keyboard died, our already nervous guitarist was sure all was lost, but the hotel staff managed to find a new adapter for me.
Our girl player told us after today's football match that an opposition player said he would knock her down :eek:. Had I heard that during the match ... :mad: the bastard would have left the pitch on crutches.

I get such wankerish behaviour in the professional game, where much is at stake and there are thousands of people contributing to a heated atmosphere. But in a past-time game between amateurs? Some people are just idiots.
Pretty interesting that you've got a girl on your team. How's that working out?
Asking because I watched women's World Cup a lot and there's a completely clear difference in physical performance vs men. I get the feeling that good amateur men team could take on professional women footballers any time.

In all honesty I find girls playing football a superb thing :)
Some people can be real dicks. It really sucks and can ruin a game. If you play that team again, you'll have to ask her to point out what player said that and maybe do something about it then.
If you could all keep my wonderful brother Ben in your thoughts, that would be great. He's going in for dental work tomorrow at 6 in the morning. He has to have it done under general anesthesia at U of M Masonic Children's Hospital on Riverside Ave. And because he won't go to the O.R. peacefully, they have to give him I.V. Ketamine first which is a potent tranquilizer with frightening paralyzing effects. For Ben, whose brain chemistry is already fragile, this kind of procedure is not without risk. I'm not seeking comments as I know if you are reading this, you already care. But if you'd keep us in your thoughts in the morning, that would be great. While this isn't the first time for this, I dread this more than anything. Even public speaking and tax audits. I'm trying to stay as upbeat as I can about all of it. Thanks everyone.

Pretty interesting that you've got a girl on your team. How's that working out?
Asking because I watched women's World Cup a lot and there's a completely clear difference in physical performance vs men. I get the feeling that good amateur men team could take on professional women footballers any time.

In all honesty I find girls playing football a superb thing :)

Well, she's doing good, this winter she's 2nd in our top goalscorers list with 5 goals in 9 games.

Generally speaking, I think it's easier for a woman to play well in a men's team, than for women to play well together against men. With a whole team of women vs a whole team of men, the differences in strength and pace will obviously make it impossible for the women to win. From what I've seen, I agree that a good amateur men's team (or the junior team of a semi-pro men's team) could beat a team of professional women.

For a woman in a men's team it's a bit different, as long as her technical and tactical skills are good (and our female player certainly falls in that category, I'd say she's the one who makes the smartest runs) she can use that to compensate for the lack of strength and sheer speed (and mind you, for a woman she's quite fast). And of course, our opponents know that they better not be brutal to her, because then there will be the :devil2: to pay.
Some people can be real dicks. It really sucks and can ruin a game. If you play that team again, you'll have to ask her to point out what player said that and maybe do something about it then.

I told her afterwards that it was probably a good thing she didn't say until we were out of the arena, it wouldn't have been good for our team's disciplinary record :) I think all of us guys in the team would be willing to take a red card and a black eye for her.
I agree that a good amateur men's team (or the junior team of a semi-pro men's team) could beat a team of professional women.
This is true in most sports, I've found - even hockey, where skill means quite a lot. That being said, I enjoy women's footy - and intend to get tickets to the World Cup games being played this summer!
Off to Vegas, at the airport now. Taking my son as a belated 21st birthday present and meeting my Dad there, should be fun

Iron Maiden peaked as far as I'm concerned with Brave New World and the following tour. Man, I wish I knew who Iron Maiden were in 2000, when they played Stockholm.

RiR 2001 is something else. Although I don't think they've gone down in quality since, that DVD really shows them at their ultimate best.