Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I'm glad one of my brothers is an IT-guy and the other is great at Maths/Physics/Chemistry. They've been of much help over the years.
Both my favourite writers are dead now. :(
(Who is your other favourite writer?) Pretty much every author I love (& therefore collect) is dead. Pratchett wasn't really in that catagory, but I loved every one of the dozen or so Discworld novels that I read. Funny, funny guy. I feel for you, if he was your favourite author...
I say we rename the place DiscworldFans.com for a day in memory.
That would be pretty neat.
(Who is your other favourite writer?) Pretty much every author I love (& therefore collect) is dead. Pratchett wasn't really in that catagory, but I loved every one of the dozen or so Discworld novels that I read. Funny, funny guy. I feel for you, if he was your favourite author...
That would be pretty neat.

Douglas Adams

I'm glad one of my brothers is an IT-guy and the other is great at Maths/Physics/Chemistry. They've been of much help over the years.

I assume this has to do with your studies. Otherwise, one helps fix your computer and the other....helps you build bombs?
I assume this has to do with your studies. Otherwise, one helps fix your computer and the other....helps you build bombs?

The IT brother has helped me (and the family) fix computer problems countless times. The other brother just helped me finish a seemingly impossible Physics test-thingy.

My 3000th post in the forum!!!

Oh, here is what happened at my brother's dental appointment.

The reason for the long 4 hour operation? X- rays revealed tooth and metal fragments that were left behind two years ago when his wisdom teeth were removed. They were lodged deep in the lower left empty socket and had to be cut out. These fragments had caused inflammation and pain for Ben all this time but because he cannot speak or communicate except for very simple things, he could not "tell" us what was wrong, so he just endured it - until this diligent doctor spotted it on her X rays today. I was angry to learn of this but am thankful for the sudden cancellation that got Ben in today. (We couldn't get an appointment until August!) Whew! To anyone who kept him in their thoughts, we all greatly appreciate that. :)
If he was in pain, he sure didn't show it very much. It's amazing how he doesn't let that stuff bother him. Autism has to be the most unique and mysterious disorder out there. It's almost as if it allowed him to fight off any pain he was in. I truly thank God above for giving Ben such strength and also that he is able to show love and affection even though he can't speak a single word. Every so often, he'll come right up to me or my mom or dad and give us a huge hug and sometimes he'll ask for a kiss. He's just so wonderful and special and means more to me than anything in the world.
I've been in trains that went up to 300 km/h and more. I only knew it was that fast because the display said so. You don't really notice anything.

Well of course you can't notice anything if it's rushing by you that fast... :p

Yes, there does come a point where more speed doesn't really seem different. In a car, anything above 90 mph (~150 kph) is just "fast", and I've found it's very easy to creep up to 110-120 mph (~200 kph) without knowing it.