Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

This isn't like old-school Google. Google used to just show what was popular. Now it tries to predict your thought patterns and show you what it thinks you want.
I'm not sure if anyone's noticed it before but if you type 'electric guitar' into google, Dave's Strat is in the first picture that pops up.
This isn't like old-school Google. Google used to just show what was popular. Now it tries to predict your thought patterns and show you what it thinks you want.
It is cool how that works and how they do it

It makes Saap look stupid, as what he said is wrong.

:down: That isn't cool.
My nick on google images gets only 20 results. I made or posted 16 of them. I don't know where the others come from...

Putting in spaces gets results for a wrestler calling himself Sinister Minister. I have no clue who this doofus is.

My nick is actually from:

...but it seems the wrestling guy has crowded Bela Fleck off of google.