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Itunes has yet again crashed on my computer. I had 1000 songs. They're just gone!!! Does anyone else have this problem???
I did once. I found a program to pull those songs off of my iPod, reintroduce them into iTunes (with many hours of renaming and refiling), and then stored the entire library on an external hard drive. I feel for you, it's a real pain in the ass.
Itunes has yet again crashed on my computer. I had 1000 songs. They're just gone!!! Does anyone else have this problem???

So....are you on a mac or pc? iTunes is the program that sees your music, but the music folders/files are actually stored in a (somewhat) generic space.

Probably something like c:\users\your user name\music\itunes\itunes media

If you tell me what version of windows you are on I can help you pinpoint where the music is. Then you just reinstall iTunes and import the folder to it.
I feel like the only person who doesn't import all music into a media player. I sort all mp3's into folders by myself, then when I wanna listen to a song, I just open the folder and play it from there. It'd be kinda tiring if I had everything imported, I'd have to scroll through thousands of artists/albums/songs...
I feel like the only person who doesn't import all music into a media player. I sort all mp3's into folders by myself, then when I wanna listen to a song, I just open the folder and play it from there. It'd be kinda tiring if I had everything imported, I'd have to scroll through thousands of artists/albums/songs...

I did that up until last year. iTunes is much better for a person who spends time editing in every detail (e.g. composer) to the files so I switched to it.
I don't,
So....are you on a mac or pc? iTunes is the program that sees your music, but the music folders/files are actually stored in a (somewhat) generic space.

Probably something like c:\users\your user name\music\itunes\itunes media

If you tell me what version of windows you are on I can help you pinpoint where the music is. Then you just reinstall iTunes and import the folder to it.
I'm on PC. I found all my music in the documents, so it shouldn't be too hard to put back on. The CD's will take awhile though. However Itunes crashes every time I open it now, and when I try to add music too it, it will just crash and delete the entire library. I've even tried to reinstall Itunes and that really makes no difference. I'm currently running some antivirus software and trying to clean up my computer so it runs faster. Maybe it will help.
I've even tried to reinstall Itunes and that really makes no difference.

That's a puzzle then. Reinstall should fix just about anything, unless your actual music files are corrupted somehow, which is unlikely. Can you do it with Windows Media Player? If it's a weird disk-reading problem or corrupt music files, WMP will fail too... but if WMP works, then a clean iTunes should also work.
Itunes crashes every time I open it now, and when I try to add music too it, it will just crash and delete the entire library.

How can you add music if it crashes on open? I'm not understanding something here I think.

Can you create a new library? Hold shift, double-click the icon like a normal start, and keep holding shift until you get a dialog to make a new library. That's as close as you get to "safe mode" on iTunes. If you can't do that on a clean install, something is deeply borked.
How can you add music if it crashes on open? I'm not understanding something here I think.

Can you create a new library? Hold shift, double-click the icon like a normal start, and keep holding shift until you get a dialog to make a new library. That's as close as you get to "safe mode" on iTunes. If you can't do that on a clean install, something is deeply borked.

Most of the time it crashes on open I got it to open twice then tried adding music then it just crashes. Windows media player is odd, I've used it many times before and right now it doesn't have half of my music. So I guess I'll be stuck with that for the time being. I have a whole lot of viruses right now and when I can get those off I shall try reinstalling Itunes again, if that doesn't work then I'll be getting a new computer.
Reinstall should fix just about anything

Collin, if only there was an Apple certified tech on the board somewhere. Oh wait, that's me.

Collin, what version of Windows are you running? What is your processor and RAM like? Are you the only user on your computer?

I have a whole lot of viruses right now
Wear a condom on the internet. Don't be a fool, wrap your tool in AVG.