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Last night at work, a guy called to order a bunch of albums: Accept, Michael Schenker, Judas Priest, and Dream Theater. When I identified myself as a fan of metal, he asked me for a recommendation and then bought Symphony X's "The Odyssey" without ever hearing it. Good to know that not all album sales are dead.
Where do you work?
So my uni had a "legalize marijuana" presentation tonight, people showed up, went well until some hooligans appeared, started playing church music on their phones (not joking here), shouted "heretics" & "junkies" then spit on people. Dean had to call the police to kick them out.

Shame I wasn't there, I saw the report on TV.
Woohoo!! For a few hours, I'll have all my kids home! My son is bringing his new girlfriend home for the eve. Love college age kids-- he is driving 4ish hours from Chicago to here, we are going to dinner and a jazz band with my daughters, then he is driving back to Chicago-- home at about 3am.

Good times!
Where do you work?

Barnes & Noble

Woohoo!! For a few hours, I'll have all my kids home! My son is bringing his new girlfriend home for the eve. Love college age kids-- he is driving 4ish hours from Chicago to here, we are going to dinner and a jazz band with my daughters, then he is driving back to Chicago-- home at about 3am.

Good times!

Have fun with your kids, Wasted! I remember the days of driving and not needing sleep...I don't miss them.
That's interesting, I wouldn't have thought B&N was anyone's go-to source for metal. B&N did have a great "buy 2 get 1 free" deal on the Zeppelin reissues, with free shipping, so it got my money on that one.

Oh, it's definitely not. I've got one guy who comes in asks for stuff like Megadeth, but that was it until I received this call the other night. Also, it's Utah, so lots of people are on the down-low about things they actually enjoy. To the outside world, it looks like they're an upstanding, God-fearing citizen just shopping in a Barnes & Noble and buying the newest Fox News-endorsed "history" book, but secretly, they have come to the music department and ordered The Odyssey and Scenes From a Memory!
Okay, there's no other Canadians on the forum right now, but I will say @Perun should remember being a young man in Canada and seeing Heritage Minutes on tv. Essentially, they are one minute short commercials that talk about an event or person in Canadian history. Pretty much everyone who was a kid in the 90s has a bunch of them memorized, and they still play today.

(for reference, these were put on tv because Canadian tv rules only allow 6 minutes of commercials per half hour, compared to US tv where 8 minutes is the standard. When a Canadian tv channel plays a US show they can choose to play a Heritage Minute and that counts as their "2 minutes of not playing commercials" allowing them to sell an extra minute of commercial space.)

They recently started making new ones, and Wednesday, I get to go to the premiere of one at the Canadian War Museum. This is approximately the coolest thing I have ever been a part of.
I've been researching war atrocities, genocides and massacres for almost five hours now, I'm a bit overwhelmed.