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Hard to make a family-friendly game about rock and roll ... after all, the term itself meant sex long before it meant music.

What do I do with Charlotte the Harlot in a family-friendly game? :blush:
It's 'retro' which means it's not risque, if ever it was. Like music hall jokes. Some of them are filthy, but because they're old fashioned, nobody cares. Work it so it goes over the top of kids' heads.
The Aristocrats?

The joke is that a family comes in to a talent agent's office, and starts performing a number of disgusting sexual acts on one another. Then the punchline is,
The talent agent asks, "what do you call this act?" Answer: "The Aristocrats!"

Each comic varies the sex act descriptions to his or her taste (or lack thereof). Gilbert Gottfried's description reaches epic proportions. Warning, this is EXTREMELY filthy and offensive.

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