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1) Students started a protest at my uni tonight, will block classes and stuff until their demands are fulfilled. Which demands? It would take too long to explain our educational system, but the basic problem is money :P Wonder how long it'll last, hopefully until Thursday so that I can miss classes :P

2) Putin's visiting Belgrade on Thursday for an army parade organized to commemorate 70 years since Belgrade was freed in WWII. So this morning police (I guess) put signs on building doors in the neighbourhood that say something like:
"while Putin's visiting, close all your windows, blinds and balcony doors and remove all laundry hanging on the balconies" O.o
(since my building overlooks the highway he's gonna pass through on his way from airport to the parade)
I've already got the laptop, just waiting for a smartphone, and they're going to give me free broadband. Wow, I'm delighted!
Sounds good. I'm planning to be nice and pop up in the office for two days for several weeks and then I'll migrate to my flat permanently. :devil2:
Pretty fantastic. Sitting in the training room right now, going over our software. Teacher is a fantastic woman, only one other guy in the class, so it should be pretty good.